Love or Attraction?

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I looked at this man and thought: Oh, how we are going to hurt each other.

Love or Attraction?

Jungkook POV 

No matter how much I tried, letting Taehyung and Jimin stay under the same roof didn't settle well with me, so I agreed with Taehyung to let Jimin stay with me. I would love to stay with my enemy rather than let the enemy stay with my love. Understanding how much Taehyung loves Jimin, either he will confess his love to Jimin and live happily ever after or get hurt all over again and I didn't want both of it to happen. So I'll try my best to be good to Jimin.


Taehyung said he was going to pick Jimin from the airport. I was waiting for them to come home. I wanted some time to get mentally prepared to face Jimin. I knew I had to give my 100 percent and not disappoint Taehyung, at last he trusted me. The doorbell rang, as I walked to the door I took a few deep breaths and opened the door. My eyes met with Taehyung first and then to the other person out there "Jimin". He was small and slender, just like dancers are. He is delicate, fragile, as if one harsh touch and he'll break, that makes me want to protect him from the world but most importantly form me.. He looked nervous but yet stood strong. Eyes never leaving mine and if it did, it was to check me out. When I looked at his deep, passionate, mysterious cocoa-colored eyes, no matter how turmoil my heart and mind was at with this reality, a sudden feeling of calmness took over me. As if the morning sunlight has kissed my face, and taken away the hopelessness that once hollowed out my heart. The aloofness, the feeling of being caged goes away at the speed of the light. I'm at a loss of words, but it feels like he reads your emotions like an open book. As sins are replaced with purity. As if it's asking  “Let me become a part of your life… and I would gladly let him. Nose which is inexplicably cute. Florentine features. His lips were full and pillowy. His smile is just like a flower blooming, and his laugh is the kind that makes you smile no matter how you’re feeling. And even when he isn’t smiling, his lips are still the most beautiful I’ve seen. Now I understand why Taehyung was head to toe in love with Jimin. Pictures and video calls do no justice to the beauty standing right in front of my eyes.

Taehyung coughed, that's when we realise we have been staring at each other for long and yet at the entrance. I quickly averted my eyes and moved to the living room, waiting for them to come in. That's when I saw Taehyung and him holding hands and walking in completely lost in their world. And I was back to the hate I held for this guy. Taehyung broke the silence and introduced us. We had a small handshake, my grip on his hand was tight as a warning to the storm that it was gonna come soon to him. He looked too lost, hurt, and confused. All I did was hold a poker face, where he couldn't read me.

Taehyung walked towards me to ask if there was something wrong as I looked a bit troubled and lost. How am I supposed to tell him the battle I was going through? The conflict I was having to keep my thoughts at bay. All these years I have just hated this guy with all of my heart, so now what has changed that makes me feel like I need to protect him when I'm his only enemy out here. This guy Jimin has surely had some impact on me. I just smiled and told him to show Jimin his room, till then I'll cook. When they both walked into Jimin's room. I quickly went to the bathroom. I needed to calm my thoughts down. There is no doubt I'm in love with Taehyung, this devil is just playing with my head so i won't let him win, never. I washed my face and got back to the kitchen, soon Taehyung joined. 

Part 2 will be continued.

Hi fam,

Thank you for your kind words and encouragement.

Stay healthy, stay strong.

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