"Yeah." Stacy said. "What kind of friends would we be if we left you out? Plus Damien will be there." At her words Kai immidiately turned crimson red.

"What's the deal with the two of you anyways?" Juan asked. "I'm like forty-seven percent sure that he likes you or something like that."

"There's nothing going on with us." Kai told him. Kai didn't want to tell his friends that he and Damien have kissed on many occasions, because he doesn't know how Damien would feel about that.

"Why forty-seven percent?" Austin asked. "That's a very random number."

"Why is forty-seven random but fifty isn't?" Juan asked already forgetting the conversation he was having with Kai.

"Because that's just how things work." Austin told him.

"Well things are weird." Said Juan.

"Dude, life is weird." Answered Austin.

"So Kai, are you coming?" Stacy asked.

"I'll think about it." Kai said causing Stacy to roll her eyes.

"I'll pick you up at seven. Send me your address."


After a few hours of some critical thinking, Kai finally decided to go to the bonfire. He knew that it would be chilly tonight so he decided to wear something that would keep him warm. He wore Brown cargo pants, white t-shirt, a brown bomber jacket and the pair of white sneakers.

When Kai got downstairs, he saw his father sitting on the couch in the living room watching TV. When Kai's father heard foot steps, he turned his attention from the TV to look to see who it was. When he saw that it was his son, his face turned into a scowl.

"Where the fuck are you going boy?" His father asked.

"I-I'm going to s-something at the s-school." Kai stammered, which is something he usually does when he is nervous, uncomfortable or afraid. In this case it was the last two choices.

"If you leave this fucking house, you better stay out for the rest of the night." His father casually said turning his attention back to the TV.

"What!" Kai cried out. "Where am I suppose to sleep." He asked before he could stop himself.

"I don't fucking care where you sleep. You can sleep in a dumpster for all I care." His father said and turned up the volume of the TV to signify that the conversation was over.

Kai quietly made his way to the door and left the house with his head hung low in shame. Is having loving and caring parents too much to ask? Well he definitely knew the answer to that question.

Kai made his way over to the park, which is where he told Stacy to pick him Up. He was deep in thought and was holding tears back from the conversation he just had with his father. Damien was the only person who knew where Kai lived, and to Kai, that was enough.

When Kai reached the park, Stacy was already waiting in her red Chevrolet beat. When Kai approached the door and opened it, before he could get in, Stacy asked him.

"Why did you make me pick you up at the park instead of your house?"

"My house is like two blocks away, and I didn't want my parents to know that I was going out." Kai lied and got into the car.

It seemed that Stacy totally believed the lie, because for the rest of the ride, she did not question him about it again. Instead, the ride was spent with light conversation and soft music playing in the background.

When they arrived, the lake was surrounded by parked cars, and the air was filled with the sound of loud music. Rowdy teenagers were scattered around, laughing and talking loudly. 'I would never believe that this is the same lake Damien, his friends and I went to. It looks so different with so many people and the smell of alcohol in the air.' Kai thought to himself.

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