Chp 18

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Okay y'all here's a lil bit of info. Today is there official last day in the human realm and it is hella cold and theres snow on the ground

After willow calmed down from her dream she ate breakfast and all the girls went into willows room to pack. Me and Gus already finished packing so we headed to the living room and started to watch this movie called High School Musical we were just sitting when Camila walked over "I'm have to go to the library to print something do you guys wanna come?" Gus"s head shot up "Would we! Let me get my shoes" I turned off the tv and got up and got my shoes and jacket on and we left the house.

When we got to the library Gus went into the magic tricks section while I stayed with Camila I was sitting by the printer when I saw a machine it was small but looked insanely cool so I got up and walked towards it and stared at it "that's a 3d printer" Camila said as she walked towards me "what's a 3d printer?"

I asked "you can really just print whatever your heart tells you" I looked back at the machine "do you want to print something?" Camila asked "I do" I said "but I don't know what" Camila smiled "the idea will come" and she walked back to the printer I just kept staring at the machine what do I wanna make? Then I looked at the window the small snowflakes falling from the sky then something hit me i got up and walked over to Camila "hey Camila" I said "yes hunter?"
"What is this season called?" I asked
"Winter" Camila said
Winter. Well how about that "I know what I want to make" I told Camila
"Oh great! Just let me grab these papers and I'll show you how to use the 3d printer" I smiled "thanks"
2 hours later
"It's perfect" I said holding up the necklace "she'll love it hunter" Camila said as she put a hand on my shoulder I looked back and smiled "thanks"
"Guys I've been looking everywhere for yo- woah what is that" Gus said as he walked up to the 3d printer "it's a 3d printer!" I said excitedly "you can print literally anything" Gus looked at my hand "what did you print?" I held up the necklace "a necklace" "it looks good is it for willow?" I blushed "yeah I hope she likes it"

"I still don't understand why it says winter on it" said Camila I smiled "you'll find out soon enough" Gus and Camila smiled "okay" Camila said looking at her watch "we should get going I promised Luz I would buy you guys boba" so we went over to the boba shop and got boba and headed back to the house I put the necklace in my pocket before we opened the door "We're home!" Gus yelled them Luz ran up to us "Give me boba" I laughed and I gave it to her. me and Gus took off our jackets and headed towards the table

We all grabbed our boba and sat around the table I sat next to willow and she passed me my boba "here you go" willow said I gently grabbed her hand and leaned forward and whispered in her ear "wanna get out of here?" She looked at me with confusion then smiled and nodded her head I turned towards Camila "we're gonna be right back" I whispered in Camilas ear she smiled and nodded "be safe" she whispered back I nodded and me and willow grabbed our jackets and left out the door

We stood on the driveway already cold "so where do you wanna go?" Willow said turning towards me I grabbed her hand "you'll see" then we started to run "hunter wait up!" I smiled "come on come on!" Once we got there she looked around and slowly started to smile "this is-"  "the place where you told me you had feelings for me" she turned red "yeah I remember" she said smiling "it's freezing! Why did you bring me here" "to give you this" I said as I dug into my pocket and grabbed the necklace.

She started at the necklace "oh hunter you already gave me a necklace!" "I know" I said smiling but I was just sitting at the Library when I saw this machine which was called a "3d printer" and Camila said it could print anything and I wanted to make something for you then I looked outside and saw it was snowing then I asked Camila what this season was called "Winter" and then I realized that was our names put together willow+hunter" willow started to blush " because we're together" I started to blush "b-but if you don't like it, that's t-totally okay!" Willow smiled "hunter it's perfect" she said as she she pulled me in for a hug "your perfect" my face went red

"AH! Y-Ou know like I said n-not a big deal!!" She looked up and kissed me soft and gently when she pulled away she turned red "OH my gosh! I'm so sorry! I should have asked" i was smiled "No no don't worry you never have to ask" she smiled and said "could you help me with my necklace" " yeah sure" I said clipping the necklace together she turned around "thanks" I smiled "no problem" willow looked behind me "hey what's that?" I turned around "what?-" when I felt snow at the back of my head I turned around and saw Willow smirking and I started to laugh "oh really?!" "Mhm" willow said laughing "oh your gonna get it" and I started to pick up the snow and start throwing it at her she squealed  and ran in the other direction god she was adorable

                                     2 hours later
Me and willow started to walk back to the house hand in hand talking and laughing when we walked into the house we were still laughing Luz saw us and smirked "well did y'all have a good time?" We both looked at each other "yeah" we both said and we both went back to our rooms

ALRIGHTY YALL LAST DAY IN THE HUMAN REALM BOOMMMMM IM SO TIRED but again rlly sorry on the delay but I rlly hope y'all liked this Chp I've been WAITING to write this one

Stay hydrated! Lol
-Naomi 😊

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