Chp 4

152 2 0


I woke up hearing Camila let out a yell saying "come on kids we have to talk!" And I got up still in my sundress I rubbed my face and fixed my hair and walked out and saw everyone was already sitting at the table and Camila said "good morning willow" and I sat down looking at everyone with confusion on my face and Camila said "I'm going to enroll you guys to school" I looked at everyone shocked showing in my face and everyone looked the same at me and I heard Gus say "what about hexside?" And Camila said "I talked to your parents and they said it was fine and that you would go to school and go back to your house in the demon realm the gang looked at Gus with so many emotions in there eyes and then amity slipped her hand into Luz"s and said "this could be fun" and hunter said "yeah a fresh start" and I just looked down at my lap not knowing what to think "would it be different?"
"We're the kids nice?" "We're the teachers nice?" And then this fear overcame me were the kids like bosha? I found myself clutching my dress and Luz parentally noticed and she put a hand on my shoulder and said "don't worry it's different but not in the way you think" and she gave me a warm smile and I felt confident again it won't be so bad this is the human realm all the people I met were nice who says the kids won't

the gang was standing in front of the school building hand in hand as kids walked In the building and they turned when Luz said "ok remember what we went over you guys are just good friends of my mine got it" and they look ahead and said "mhm!" And they walked into the school to the principal office where there was Mx. Limburg and they welcomed the kids in their office and handed their classes sheets and said "Have a great first day please don't hesitate to ask questions!" And the gang had to split up amity and Luz had there first class Together Gus and hunter had a class together so willow was left to go to class herself and she heard a familiar voice behind saying "hey! Willow!" And she turned around to see Brandon

I heard a familiar voice as I turned around to see Brandon waving and walking towards me and I smiled immediately thank the titan i found someone I know and I said "Brandon you go here to?" "Yeah!" He said smiling and he said "what class you got now" and I said "English" and he says "oh my god me to! Let's walk together" and I said "ok" and we walked together and we got to class and we sat next to each other and I saw this girl sitting on her desk talking to this girl in a chair with a lot of other girls around her the girl sitting had blond hair and the prettiest blue eyes and I sat next to Brandon and the teacher walked up and said "ok everyone! Class has started now before we being we have a new student Willow park!" And she motioned me to go up infront and I walked up and smiled and said "hi" and the teacher said "we're happy to have you in this class!" And I looked around and saw the same girl with blue eyes giving me a small glare and I got chills and I walked back to my seat and asked Brandon " why did she not introduce you?" And he said I stared 2 days ago" and I said "oh ok" and then classed started and everyone was so nice even the girls by the blond girl who I found out her name was Ava and I could tell she didn't like me she kept glaring at me especially when other people were talking to me and I just ignored her but she ended up being in my classes so I couldn't ignore her so I decided to be nice and walk up to her and say hi Im Willow and she looked at me up-and-down and said "who even are you like you're not cool or anything, so why are you talking to me?" And I just said "uhhh" "just wanted to introduce myself?" And she said "mhm ok whatever" and she pushed me out of the way and I stood frozen

I was walking to 3rd period and as I was looking at the door to my sheet when I found the classroom I walked in and saw willow and I smiled thank the titan we have a class together and I went over to her seat and sat next to her and said "hey how are your classes so far" "exhausting" she said putting a head on my shoulder as I blushed then she looked up at me saying "how have your classes been" and I said "interesting the things that they tech here is Nothing like the emp coven-" my voice faded away as I saw Brandon walking into the classroom willow followed my eyes and gave Brandon a warm smile and said "hey Brandon!" And I found myself just staring at him as he took a seat in-front of us and he turned his seat around and he said "sweet! I have you in this class too!" And they both high-fived and it looked like willow was gonna say something but she was interrupted by the teacher saying "Alrighty let's get started good morning
everyone!" And me and willow both took out our stuff and I put my hands down at my side ready to start taking notes and then I felt my pinky touch something and I looked down and it was willows pinky and then I got an instant flashback of when we were back the demon realm She said "thanks for what you said back there you mean a lot to me too" and I looked back at willow and she looked at me remembering the same thing and then she wrapped her pinky with mine and my ears got red and her face was turning bright pink and we both just looked ahead smiling
Sorry for the short chapter!!!

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