Chp 13

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                                  2 WEKKS LATER

I woke up when I felt someone touch my head and as I opened my eyes I saw hunters face nearly inch's away from mine and his hand playing with a piece of my hair and I turned red immediately and what it seemed like Hunter didn't realize that I was awake and he just kept playing with my hair gently and hunter let out the most quiet sigh and he put the strand he was playing with behind my ear then he looked down at my eyes and his eyes got wide and he said "OH MY TITAN! WILLOW! YOUR AWAKE! UH-WELL I MEAN IM JUST-" and he stood up and said "ah um it's not what it looks like I was just- um" and I sat up and looked at him "hunter don't worry about it it's fine I don't mind" I said extending my hand to hold his and his face grew pink and he sat down next to me "how long have you been up for?" I asked still holding his hand "for like 2 hours maybe?" I looked at the clock it was 7 am and I looked at hunter in shock "you woke up at 5!?" "Yeah" hunter said putting his other hand around his neck " I always wake up at 5 in the emperor's coven and I guess I just got used to it" I stared at hunter in shock and I stood up and walked hunter out of my room still holding his hand "where are we going?" He asked and I led him to his room and stopped at the door and said "hunter you are going to sleep I'm still tired from waking up at 7 you need some sleep"
"I'm fine willow really don't worry" "well I do worry"I said grabbing his other hand and he blushed "please hunter get some sleep Ill wake you up at...9 at least" I said looking at my watch "but-" "no buts" I said putting my finger to his lips "you need sleep so go and gets some" and he smiled and said "alright willow" and we both walked into his room and I stood by the door as he got into bed and I shut off his light and said "good night" and shut the door

I woke up with Luz shaking my shoulder saying "Hunter! Hunter get up! It's 11" and I rubbed my eyes "what!? Willow said she would-" "wake you up at 9 yeah well I wanted to wake you up but willow said "let him sleep luz" so I let you sleep your welcome" I looked around and I didn't see willow and I asked "where's willow?" "Your princess? she's upstairs" I blushed and headed upstairs and saw everyone in the living room with swimsuits and towels and sunglasses on and willow turned around and saw me "oh! Hunter I'm so sorry I didn't wake you up when I said I would you just were sleeping so soundly" and my breath stoped willow was in a one piece and she put her hair up into a messy bun with two stands out god she was beautiful "i-It's fine" I said blushing "where you guys going?" And Luz threw a pair of swim trunks at my head and said "we're going to the beach! Get changed we're leaving soon come on amity let's get this stuff in the car" and they both walked out of the door and I walked up to willow and we just both stared at each other and blushed I was gonna say something but nothing came out and then Gus said "okay hunter how about you go get changed" "oh OH yeah I-I'm gonna go um see you later" I said smiling as I went into my room

"Okay let's go" hunter said as he walked out of him room and my jaw dropped on the floor he wore the trunks Luz threw at him and he wasn't wearing a shirt and titan he had muscles and he walked towards me and said "ready to go" "m-MHm!" And he grabbed my hand and I blushed as everyone left the house hunter opened the car door and I went in and before we knew it we were driving off to the beach

When we pulled up to the beach Luz said "alrighty everyone we're here! Let's go! I opened the door and walked out with the sun on my face and I let out a sigh "it's nice isn't it?" Willow said looking up at me "yeah it is" and then I felt someone slap my head and Luz was running down towards the beach "last one in the ocean is a rotten egg!" And before I knew it everyone was running toward the ocean and Camila and vee were setting up our spot me and willow started to run down into the water and we all jumped in and I looked up and then I felt myself going Deeper and deeper underwater and then I couldn't go back up "what's happening?" I thought then I felt someone pull me out of the water and I was laying down on the sand gasping for air and I saw saw willow sitting beside me "Hunter Oh my god! Are you okay!?" She said and she cupped my check and I sat up my face warm "what happened?" "You nearly drowned!" Willow said staring at me intently and caring "I forgot that you never went swimming before are you okay?" Luz said "yeah it's okay I'm fine now thanks" "are you sure I can grab
you some water or something? Can I get you anything?" Willow said still concerned and I smiled and kissed her on the cheek "willow I'm fine don't worry about it" and she turned pink and said "are you sure?" "Positive" and I looked around still remembering the gang was around us and Gus and Luz looked like there heads were gonna explode of happiness but we continued to hang out at the beach playing volleyball, swimming and trying ice cream for the first time and it tasted wayyyy to sweet for my taste while we were eating our ice cream willow got some on her nose and I started to laugh "what?" She asked with the most cutest smile on her face and I reached my hand and wiped off the ice cream off her nose "oh!" Willow said laughing

the sun was setting and we were getting our stuff to put in the car "did you Guys have a good time?" Camila asked "yeah!" Everyone chorused back and we all got in the car and while we were driving Luz let out the loudest groan we all turned thinking she left something at the beach and Camila said "Luz? what's wrong?" "we have SCHOOL tomorrow!" And everyone else let out a groan and Camila started to laugh and we drove home tired but happy

And that is Chp 13 y'all I'm so sorry I'm so slow on updating I've just been sooooo busy bc of school stupid assignments keeping me busy 🙄 but Chp will hopefully come soon love y'all

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