Chp 3

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It was Saturday 11:00 am almost lunch time and the gang was helping Willow in the garden the days were finally starting to get warmer in the human realm and now willow could start tending her garden amity and Luz were planting sunflowers Gus and vee were planting buttercups of all colors and Camila was working on tools and hunter was planting roses willow was just going around and helping everyone out since she was the expert willow looked at her garden and smiled she knew it was going to be the best garden she has ever made

I was finishing the roses I was planting and saw willow look at the garden and I went behind and scared her and said "boo!" And she gave a yelp and then she saw me and let out the most beautiful laugh and I just started staring at her eyes and a smile slowly started creeping on my face and we both started laughing and she lightly pushed me and said "you scared me hunter!" I was still laughing when willow grabbed some dirt and threw it at me and started laughing and I said "oh is that how it is" and then I picked some up and threw some dirt at her and I started laughing and then Gus screamed "DIRT FIGHT!" And everyone started throwing dirt at each other and it was the best and then Camila said "ok ok everyone let's wash up we're gonna have a campfire tonight

"A campfire? What's that?" I heard myself ask Luz and she said "it's literally just a fire and everyone sits around it telling scary stories catching fireflies and stargazing and eat s'mores it awesome" I was excited it sounded like fun so I got in the shower and wore this really pretty sage green sundress that I bought but never wore so I decided to wear it the sun was starting to set and everyone was outside and I was grabbing my shoes and went into the back yard to see everyone In blankets sitting around the fire and I walked towards everyone and said "hey guys!" And there jaws dropped

I heard someone walking over and I looked and  my jaw dropped as I saw willow she looked amazing she was wearing a sage green sundress and my TITAN she look amazing and apparently everyone else thought so to cause there jaws dropped and willow looked at everyone and said "oh no what's wrong is it the dress it's the dress is it"
"No!" I said getting up and walking towards her and I said blushing "you just look really n-nice willow" and she blushed and smiled and said "thank you hunter" and then we walked to our spot and sat next to each other it was dark now and we were just talking and Camila came out with Luz right behind her with graham crackers and chocolate and marshmallows and Luz said "time for s'mores!" And Luz showed us how to make the perfect golden marshmallows and how to layer the s'more once everyone made a s'more Luz said "alright now on 3! 1...2...3! And I took a bite and holy titan it was so good all of our eyes widened and Gus just shoved the whole s'more in his mouth and said with mouth full " this is the best s'more I have tasted!" And then it was dark and Luz was telling a scary story and I say at the corner of my eye willow was shivering and immediately I took of my blanket and wrapped it around her and whispered "are you warm now?" And willow said "y-yes thank you hunter" after a couple minutes later I saw a flash of light in the sky and I looked and it was gone so I thought it was nothing but then I looked again and there it was willow saw this to and we were both watching the light then Luz caught on and said
"Oh I see you met our dear friend Mr firefly" Luz said as she picked up a jar a slowly swoops up 3 firefly's in the jar and closed the jar and she showed us the jar and handed it to willow and said "they aren't really fire flies they make there own light with there body's and that's what causes the light" and willow was holding the jar with curiosity and she opens the jar and the firefly's come flying out and I looked up at them and smiled

I let the firefly's go and I saw hunter looking up and smiling and I found myself smiling and blushing thank goodness it was dark so no one could see my face it was getting really dark now and all of us went to the hill where the stargazing was best and I took the blanket off me and put clover on my shoulder there was an extremely nice cool breeze (her hair is out so it's like flowing in the wind) and i decided to walk a little bit higher to the top and I stoped and said "it's a beautiful night huh clover?" And then I heard some one coming up behind me

As we were setting up the blankets and lawn chairs I looked around and didn't see willow and I walked up to amity and said
"Hey amity?"
"Do you know where willow is?"
She pointed up to the top which was not to far up and said "she up at the top you should go up" so I headed up and saw willow standing on top of the hill looking at the sky and she turned around and said "hunter! Are you going to be stargazing with us!" And I clutched my shirt smiling and having a warm blush run across my face and said "mhm!" And we both sat on the chair and we just watched the stars in silence and i was thinking "should I bring up the kiss now?" "Dose she still want to talk about it?" "Heck dose she even like me?"

I looked over and saw hunter quietly muttering to himself and I just started to stare at him and he was slowly turning red and I said "hunter are you doing ok?" "You look at little red" Hunter turned his head and gave him the most cutest crook smile and turned even more red saying "n-no I'm fine thank you willow" I started to get worried as I reached my hand to his face and said "Woah! Your pretty warm are you sure you're ok?" And hunter got even more red and said "yeah yeah I'm fine thanks" and I said "ok" and we just sat in silence and then I said a couple of minutes later "the stars look beautiful tonight and Hunter turned his head and I felt our pinky's touch and he said "so do you" and I stared at him blushing like crazy and he said right after "W-WELL i mean like u always look beautiful- I-I MEAN! you are just- this dress it's beautiful on you it matches your eyes and whew is it hot in here it's really hot in here-" and he let out a sigh and I smiled at him and he said "sorry" and I said grabbing his hand and said "it's ok and thank you hunter that means a lot" and he looked at our hands and smiled, and he said "happy to help"

Happy to help, I said, as a squeezed Willows hand and we both stared up at the stars, smiling and blushing and then about like 10 minutes later I felt something on my shoulder and I looked at willows head was resting on my shoulder and she was fast asleep I picked her up and she was zoning out head and hands on my chest and I went down the hill slowly and I saw luz and whispered "asleep?" And I nodded smiling and we headed back to Luzs house and I placed willow in her bed and put the covers over and kissed her forehead secretly and left her room

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