Chp 9

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"It's perfect" I said to myself as I held the leather jacket to my face with park on the back with the number one on the back and I wrapped it in a box and I smiled and luz put a hand on my shoulder and said "she's gonna love it hunter" and she said "alright the rest is up to you" and I nodded since it was Saturday I had a lot of time to try to get the courage to ask willow on a date and I said "wait don't forget the bracelet I said grabbing the bracelet with the word captain on it and
Handed it to Luz and she put it in the small velvet box and she handed the gifts to and she said "oh hunter" "yeah" I said "don't screw up" Luz said with a smile on her face and I threw the pillow on the couch at her and she stared laughing "I'm nervous enough as it is!" And luz said "you shouldn't though" and I let out a sigh and said "is she still asleep?" And Luz said "let me go check" and she went upstairs and I looked at the velvet box in my hand last night before I went to sleep i ask Luz what I should do and she gave me some good ideas and she's been helping me with the necklace and everything I looked up when I heard Luz say "she's awake" and I got up and hid the gifts under the table and saw willow in the kitchen drinking some tea and I looked and saw everyone by the door way hiding and I motioned them to stop but they didn't and I sighed and willow looked towards me and said "oh! Hey hunter want some tea" and I said "uh yeah sure" and I sat down as she handed me a cup and she said "where is everyone one?" And I looked behind me to see everyone behind willow and I said "I'm not sure anyway um willow"
"Yeah?" willow said putting her cup down
"Remember when we first met you-"
"Grabbed you out of the sky" she said with laughter
"Yeah" I said smiling
"How could I forget" she said sighing "man I miss using my magic" she said looking at her hands and then the idea hit me I was planing on just giving the gifts to her but then I got and idea "why don't we?" And willow looked at me with curiosity in her eyes and she said "what do you mean?" She said a small smirk on her face I got up from my chair and extended my hand and I said "let's get outta here" "but what about everyone?" "We'll leave a note it's fine" and willow smiled and said "let's do this", and then hunter wrote a note and went to go grab a small bag and then we both walked out of the door laughing

We walked out the door with smiles on our faces and I said "so... now what" I said now a couple of feet away from the house "now"hunter said looking at me with a small smirk on his face and in one swift moment he picked me up and I said "woah!" And he said "sorry I should have asked but it's faster this way" "no n-no it's not that I'm just surprised" I said blushing and he was turning red and said "o-okay um" then he used he's magic (this is just like the photo I sent you) and next thing I knew we were zooming across the neighborhood trying to be quick, so no one could see us I was screaming the whole entire time clutching on Hunter's neck saying oh my god "oh my god oh my God oh my God!" But I was smiling and every time I look up at him, he would be smiling and his face would be a little bit red and before I knew it we were in this big empty field and Hunter put me down and said hey, are you ok?
And I nodded my legs, a little shaky, and then I started to fall, but then felt hunters arms around me, and he said "oh gosh I'm so sorry. Are you ok?" And I looked at him and smiled, and I said "never better" and I wasn't lying when I said that.

I lifted willow up and said "oh gosh I'm so sorry are you ok?" And she looked at me and "never better" and I smiled "so I know I asked this already but now what?" And I looked at her and took a couple of steps away from her and said "well you said you wanted to use you magic right?" She nodded "well then do it"

"Well then do it" hunter said smiling willow smiled back as she lifted her hand and vines started going up and before he knew it she was up in the sky laughing hunter was looking around cause he couldn't see her when he felt a tap on his shoulder he turned around and there was willow and she said "Boo" and she said "catch me if you can!" And hunter smiled and said "oh it's on!" And before they new it they were chasing each other and as hunter saw willow from behind he went up to surprise her When she turned around and used her magic and wrap hunter up and turn him around and now he was hanging upside down and willow walked over to him face inches apart and she said "I win" and hunter stated to blush

"I win" I said to hunter letting him down and he flopped on the ground and i followed and he said sitting up "you always win captain" and I said "thanks hunter" and we sat in silence for a bit when hunter said turning around "I have something for you" he said as he grabbed the bag he grabbed earlier and I looked at him with suspicion in my eyes "what is it" I said, taking the bag "open it" he said looking at my eyes and the. The gift and I saw a velvet box and I opened it to find a bracelet that said "captain" then hunter gave me a box and I opened it and there was a leather jacket and on the back it said PARK with the number 1 below it I put the jacket down and put the bracelet on my wrist and I looked at it and my eye started to glistening and I looked at hunter and he looked at my trying to read my face and he said "do you like it?" And I said "like it I love it!" And said and I threw my arms around him and hugged him and said "hunter it's perfect. This is a gift only you can give me and I love it so much. Thank you". I said getting up and putting the leather jacket on me and I said "wow it fits so nice, you really outdone yourself hunter!" And hunter stood and said "Anything for you captain" he said grabbing my hands and I blushed at him and I looked at our hands and apparently it seems like Hunter realized what he did, and he let go of his hands immediately and placed them at his side and blushed and said "l-l um y-yeah I hope you like it" and I smiled and said "I love it hunter no doubt about that" and he smiled and he turned around his back faced me and said "it's so nice to be out of the house" and I walked up to him and put a hand on his shoulder and said "yeah it's really nice especially since I don't have to see Ava" and hunter turned around and said "yeah how are you doing anyway?" " I don't know it's nice that she got a taste of her own medicine" I said looking up at the clouds and hunter said "willow...I-I" he said being interrupted by a familiar voice I looked behind to see Brandon walking towards us

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