Chp 16

93 2 3

we all walked out of the house and hopped into the car to drive to school when we got to school willow grabbed my hand "how do you feel last day of school and all" I turned towards her "eh I'll miss it but I'm just happy we're leaving together" i said squeezing her hand she turned a light pink as we walked into school when one of willows friends walked up to her "Willow!" Her friend said "hey" she said smiling "Are you really leaving today!?" "Yeah" she said giving her a sad smile when she gave her a hug "I'm gonna miss you" "I'm gonna miss you to but hey we still have the rest of the day" "yeah" willow said smiling "bye hunter" "bye" I said as I walked to class

                                     3rd period

I was walking to 3rd period when I saw hunter infront of me when I creeped up from behind him and tried to scare him just before i was gonna touch his back he turned around and grabbed my arms and smirked and said "nope" and I started to laugh when he pulled me into a hug "we need to get to class" I smiled "alright" we both walked into class when I saw Brandon sitting by himself he doesn't really talk that much anymore he has friends but we don't talk a lot anymore. me and hunter were sitting down in our spots when our teacher said "okay class today is the last day for our 2 students Hunter and willow so make sure you all say bye before the end of class today" and Brandon turned around surprised and asked with his eyes and I nodded and  he looked to the floor then back at the teacher I did the same when our teacher started to talk about the lesson
After class I was about to leave when I heard someone calling my name I turned around and saw Brandon walking towards me I stopped and started at him "what's up" I said "your really leaving?"
"Yeah" I said giving him a sad smile "wow um I just wanna say I'm sorry for everything willow before you leave I just wanted to say that" I gave him a small smile "don't worry Brandon it's all forgotten" he let out a sigh and smiled "maybe we'll see each other again?" "I hope so" I said smiling  when I heard the bell " Good bye Brandon" and he gave me a smile "Good bye Willow park" and I walked away smiling
I was packing up when I heard Ava say my Name I looked up and saw her and she was staring at me and I gave her a puzzled look "yea?" "I just wanna apologize" my eyes grew wide " I was a jerk towards you and I know that your leaving today but I just wanted to let you know I'm sorry" I stood there in shock "wow Ava I can't say I forgive you- but this is a start" I said holding out my hand and she gave me a small smile and took my hand and shook it "bye Willow" I smiled "bye Ava"

I was packing my stuff to go home when I saw willow walking up to me "hey" "hi" I said smiling and she grabbed my hand "I'm kinda sad we're leaving" "yeah" I said squeezing her hand then we saw everyone outside and we walked towards them and Luz asked "so how was your guys last day of school" "good" willow said as she looked at means I gave her a smile when Camila car came and drove up and we got in the car and headed home

DAMN 2 IN ONE DAY hehehe but yeah that was the last day at school Ik Ik not that much  huntlow 😭 but it will come I promise


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