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This was a normal day in the Parable.

The Narrator was talking, and of course Stanley was being a little shit like he always was.

"When Stanley came to a set of two open door he entered the one on his left"

Stanley ignored these dumbass commands and he went through the right door, upon entering he found tea there.

[Narrator what the fuck is THIS]

"That's raspberry tea, if you want to try some, I recommend it with sugar."

This was stupid! Stanley didn't need tea! Stanley grabbed the tea bag and opened the coffee maker as he threw the tea bag into the water.

[No more taxes, no more tea]

"Stanley are you really that bored you're acting out America's history?"

[Shut up, Britain. We're our own country now, I don't need to listen to you. Fight me]

"I'm not going to fight you, but the Bucket is British."

Stanley sighed, knowing he had to fight the Bucket.

The Bucket looked at Stanley with an unforgiving glare. The Bucket dropped on Stanley's head but Stanley was quick to throw it off, making it land behind the couches that weren't pushed up against the wall. The Bucket was defeated.

"Oh dear, I'll have to get the Bucket from behind the sofas now." The Narrator muttered to himself.


"Whatever, atleast my country didn't almost ban a social media platform"

[Shut up, you communist]

"Why don't you be quiet, you democracy."

[You should try and be more creative with your insults instead of just calling me names]

"I call you names because you're a shithead who doesn't know how to do anything but be the worst person ever, I hope you fall off the fucking stairs and stub your toe everytime it almosts heals"

[...Holy shit dude]

"Sorry, too far? I was reading off a script I wrote years ago, back when I was middle school age."


"I believe so, it was written in [REDACTED]"

[That's like [REDACTED] years ago dude]

"I honestly don't know why I kept this, prehaps I thought to use it against someone in a fight"

[Who were you even fighting with?]


[Lord, Britain people are weird]

"British people, and I was fighting myself over what was the best movie. Apparently Mean Girls and Heathers were tied."

[Now the real question is what's the better musical]

"That's stupid, America! Both are good with their own qualities, people shouldn't compare them"

[But they don't have a song dedicated to burgers.]

"Why would anyone need a song about bor-gers?"

[Why do you say burgers like THAT?]

"Because America you pronounce things wrong! Hell maybe you guys deserve track 6 in Clown Circus"

[...I don't know what track that is Britain]

"Anyways I think Lemon Demon did a great job at having a song about burgers. It's called Toy food and it has a whole section about burgers."

Stanley rolled his eyes as he laid his eyes on a gun. The gun was pink and had hello kitty on it.

[This is the most American thing I've ever seen, and I've been at a Trump Rally] Stanley signed before he picked uo the gun and started shooting the walls.

"I would duck under my desk or question how you're used to gun shots, but then I realised they both connect to school shootings."

[I was in a school shooting once, but the guy killed himself infront of everyone]

"Is that really a school shooting then?"

[I don't know, what classifies as a school shooting anyway?]

"Why are you asking me? I'm British! I don't have to worry about that, go ask Jim"

[Where is Jim anyways?]

"At the Bottom of the Mind Control Facility"

Stanley ran out of the Employee's Lounge and headed straight for the Mind Control Facility.

Stanley jumped down the railings and saw Jim just lurking in the background.

"..Hey dude" Jim said as he tipped his head up and put his hand in his pocket.

[Do you know what classifies a school shooting?]

"Why have a school shooting when you could just shoot the Narrator?"

[..I can't kill another British person!]

"Shoot the Adventure Line™️ then"

[You're right! The line™️ could symbolis Japan!] Stanley went up the emergency ladder which was the same color as the void and immediately headed to the line™️

It™️ was just chilling, curled up like a snake around a green pillow.

Stanley stopped for a moment once looking at the line™️. It™️ was just too cute to hurt!

Stanley sat down next to it™️ and it™️ curled around Stanley. The warmth of the line™️ made Stanley start to doze off.

The Narrator was silent. He didn't dare to make a peep. Not when Stanley had officially fell asleep.

The Narrator muted his microphone and sighed. "I hope this isn't a new thing, although it was a nice change.."

The Narrator smiled as he let himself fall asleep too, even though he didn't need sleep it was nice once in a while.

~The Stanley Parable~ !Oneshots!Where stories live. Discover now