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Jake was very confused and disturbed, he couldn't believe what was happening, it was all too much for him, so he went straight home, didn't attend the rest of the lectures. He knew Sunghoon would be waiting for him and that he would be worried so he left him a message, he told him that he wasn't feeling good and he's going home to rest. Sunghoon who was waiting for him exactly as Jake thought, when he received the message was concerned.

Sunghoon decided to visit Jake at his place. "oh sunghoonie you're here for Jaehyun? Well he's feeling sick so he told me to leave him alone and that he would rest." Sunghoon was greeted by Jake's mother, who adored him alot. "is that so mom" Sunghoon was worried but he didn't wanted to bother Jake. "do you wanna go meet him?" Mrs. Sim asked "oh no no mom let him rest, he must be tired I'll meet him when he's better" Sunghoon assured Mrs. Sim. He decided to go back and wait for Jake himself.

Jake who secluded himself in his room was deep in thoughts, he felt restless. He felt sorry towards Heeseung because he clearly broke his heart right? While he was thinking about all the things that Taehyun said for Sunghoon, he really couldn't understand what was happening. He was thinking about all the moments that he shared with Sunghoon, maybe he liked him or maybe he was teasing him but slowly Jake realised that now he likes Sunghoon, yes he was certain now. What if Sunghoon doesn't like him back, what if he confesses and it will break their relationship, then he will be all alone once again having no one by his side, Jake was really scared he didn't knew what to do.

It was a tough time for him but he had to face them either way. Jake decided not to be a coward and that he would go and resolve everything himself it doesn't matter what the outcome would be because he's gonna accept whatever happens.

It was the next day, Jake came early today, he was extremely nervous. He has decided that he was going to confess to Sunghoon today after that he'll talk to Taehyun and clear any kind of misunderstanding between them. The first lecture that Jake was attending would be Physics that means Heeseung would be here as well, while Sunghoon wasn't. He wasn't sure what's he gonna do if Heeseung saw him.

While Sunghoon who was heading towards his class, he heard something, there was two girls who were wispering right behind him "Yah did you hear what happened yesterday!" "what?"
They were discussing about some kind of incident that occurred yesterday. "youngji told me that she saw two guys kissing each other in the hallway!!" "what!!? Are you sure?" The first girl nodded her head "who were the guys?" "she told me one of them was Heeseung, the tall handsome senior and the other was someone she couldn't recognize, she described him as short, black hair, he had these cute puppy look" "wow i can't believe, damn that's why Heeseung always refused the girls" "I know right, I'm actually dying to know who was the other guy!" the two girls continue on with their conversation and went their way while Sunghoon who heard eveything was left speechless, he knew exactly who they were talking about. He stopped midway, there was this adrenaline rush in his body, anger was clearly visible in his eyes, the boy was infuriated. He went straight to Jake's class.

Jake who was waiting for their professor was nervously seated on his desk, but there was something that was coming his way that he didn't anticipate at all. The door to his classroom wide open, the only few students that were present at the time turned their heads toward the noise, it was Sunghoon who didn't looked pleased. "Sunghoon..." the only thing that left his lips, he stood up from his seat while Sunghoon walked towards him, Jake was scared, sunghoon's expression didn't help either. "did Heeseung kissed you?" Sunghoon asked, he voice sounded calm though as if he was controlling his anger. Jake who was trembling, he nodded slightly he didn't wanted to hide anything. He just sighed. Suddenly Sunghoon cupid Jake's face in his hands and made him look at him, he moved closer until their faces were inches apart, that was when Sunghoon kissed him, it was harsh his anger was evident in the kiss, he was violently pressing his lips on Jake's. Loud gasps could be heard in the classroom, the students were all shocked at the scene. An unbelievable moment that they couldn't believe their eyes. Sunghoon parted their lips, looked straight in Jake's eyes. "listen carefully you're not allowed to kiss anyone else other than me!" Sunghoon stated waiting for an answer "do you hear me!" he almost shouted to which Jake quickly nodded " yes"


This is so clichéd oops

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