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Jake was willing to do anything if it means that sunghoon was back to normal. "hoonie are you still upset? Please don't be like this" Jake pleaded but Sunghoon stayed silent. He had to do something. "okay you know what, just tell me what I have to do, you can order me to make you snacks or any funny things, I'll do anything" Jake thought this could help their situation maybe Sunghoon would ask him to do a funny dance or something. Sunghoon instantly looked at Jake, he was just waiting for a command. "come and sit here" Sunghoon's eyes indicated his lap, Jake was surprised, he felt embarrassed that sunghoon asked him to do that but soon enough he took a deep breath and went to sit on his lap. 'maybe he just need a little affection nothing much' Jake tried to explain Sunghoon's demand. "hug me" Sunghoon directed. Jake slowly but hesitantly hugged Sunghoon, it was a soft, comforting hug that gave Jake the butterflies. "...can I " Sunghoon asked in a low voice, they broke the hug and looked at each other intensely. Jake nodded shyly. In a matter of second, a pair of soft lips touched Jake's, he was feeling euphoric he still couldn't believe that this was happening.

But Jake knew that things would escalate if he doesn't stop here. So he broke the kiss and looked down "I need to use the washroom" and excused himself. But Sunghoon didn't mind he was more than happy, he knew Jake was shy. He just smiled at the cuteness that Jake was emiting.

Jake was feeling flustered, he couldn't sleep at all and all he could do is think about that moment, the hug, and.. the kiss. He could still feel the warm touch. He was going crazy, he had so many questions. He needed to know why would Sunghoon do that. Are all close friends behave like that?The poor guy spend the rest of the night tossing and turning in his bed.

It was the next day, and a big one for a reason, Heeseung had contacted Jake about their meeting and once they met at the college, Heeseung enthusiastically greeted Jake, not gonna lie, Jake thought he was dreaming or something.

"so today at your house okay?" heeseung asked. Jake just smiled in his reply. They planned to study at Jake's house. But they didn't anticipate the presence of someone else.

The moment Jake told sunghoon that he can't hang out with him today, as he is going go study with heeseung today. Sunghoon's expression did not looked pleased, instead the boy invited himself to join the both. Jake didn't mind it and politely agreed. The three of them studying together Yeah right.

Today Heeseung walked with Jake and Sunghoon, which sunghoon didn't really liked he thought heeseung was invading their private time. He stayed silent for the most of the walk while the other two just talked and laughed along. They got to know each other more, it was surprising how instantly they clicked even though they never talked before "wow Jake I'm such an idiot I should have talked to you sooner, you're such an interesting person." Jake just shyly smiled at his comment.

But Sunghoon could only shoot glares at the other. He couldn't stand this, he thought the only one who could make his jakey flustered was him and him only. There was this hatred in his eyes that made him looked scary, he didn't looked a prince like he used to.

All of them arrived at Jake's home. He directed the other guys to just wait in the living room while he'll be back soon. The atmosphere was quite tensed between the two. Sunghoon looked enraged but kept calm, while Heeseung was just awkwardly waiting for Jake, he never talked to Sunghoon before but he knew the other one looked scary. He was kinda annoyed himself because he wanted to spend some time with Jake alone to get closer to him but looks like his 'close friend' will not let that happen anytime soon.

Jake was back, he had some snacks in his hands, and a polite smile on his face.

"Jake there was no need for that" heeseung spoke tryna start a conversation and being polite. Jake shook his head "no way, I have never invited anyone before besides Sunghoon so I don't really know how to treat guests but still I'M trying" Jake giggled, while Sunghoon felt proud when Jake said that. He had something in his mind, and he was eager to use it. "Aww Jake these are all my favorite snacks" Sunghoon shot his arrow. "yeah well you come way to often so my mom would shop your favorite snacks as well" Jake said it innocently but he didn't knew there was a silent battle going on between the other too, in which Sunghoon clearly looked like he was winning. Sunghoon just slyly nodded.

It's been a while, all of them were studying, well mainly Jake because Heeseung was busy looking at him and Sunghoon just trying control his anger. But he wasn't ready for what's to come. "Jake can you teach me how to solve this?" Heeseung managed to sneak his hands around Jake's neck, which the other didn't mind but Sunghoon looked furious. He didn't know what was happening. "I know this one! Should I teach you!?" Sunghoon said with his narrow eyes.
"that's a good idea, hoonie you do that, in the mean time I'll go to washroom" Jake patted Sunghoon's head, in which he just smiled like a cute puppy. Heeseung seemed uncomfortable with this interaction, he wondered if they are... in a relationship?

Time went by and their study session ended, the other two were preparing to leave and Jake was sending them off. Heeseung kinda knew Sunghoon was being a little overprotective so accepted that but he still wanted to interact with Jake he wanted to give it a try. "Thank you so much Jake!! You're really sweet for helping me out" to which Jake just shyly looked down. "it's...nothing.. " Jake muttered. While Sunghoon was just waiting for Heeseung to leave so that he could have his special goodbye with Jake. Shortly after heeseung left and right which Sunghoon just sighed, he turned and hugged Jake tightly, Jake was used to his affection but this really made his heart flutter. "I'll see you tomorrow jakey!" Just when Jake thought Sunghoon was leaving he tured around once again and gave him a kiss on his cheeks. "!!!" Jake was so surprised but he just smiled because after that sunghoon left for real and didn't look back because he knew Jake would get embarrassed.

Jake was starting to feel something for his special friend. He didn't knew what was happening but his heart was racing so fast.



Is it getting any better??

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