1- 𝑴𝒊𝒔𝒕𝒚 𝑴𝒆𝒎𝒐𝒓𝒚..?

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Muichiro Pov 

I opened my eyes to see myself on the ground, all muddy ever on my face, it looked like I fell down. I later on saw a hand infront of me, then looked up to see someone. Someone with black mowhawk hair, dark purple eyes, looking at me with a soft smile... Who is this person..? I thought to myself. "Muichiro, let me help..!" The boy said as he crouched and lends me a hand. I held his hand then he pulls me up. "Thanks.." I said softly as we held eachother's hands and made eye contact. "Your welcome..!" The boy replied with a joyful smile. He seemed to at me lovingly, I don't know why. I didn't remember this person and don't recall this happening. Who is this person? Have I met him? Why does he look so familiar..? I continue to ask myself these questions in thoughts. "Muichiro.." The boy said softly. I looked at him wondering what he's gonna say. "Muichiro, you won't forget me right..? You always forget stuff but please not me..!" The boy said in a low tone, he looked at me with a slight frown on his face. "What do you mean 𝑮𝒆𝒏𝒚𝒂..?" I asked confusingly. Genya..? Why did I say that? I never met this person... "You.. Forget things easily.. I'm afraid you might forget me too.." The boy said in a sad tone, looking like he's about to cry. "Genya.. I would never forget about you..." I replied softly as I hug him. I.. Don't recall this.. Who is this person??? Who is Genya???? Questions began to fill my head.

"MUICHIRO TOKITO! NO SLEEPING IN MY CLASS!!" I woke up to my loud and angry teacher, Mr. Uzui... "Muichiro this is the 15th time this month!!" He said loudly. "Yea.. Yea..." I said quietly, not caring at all as I cross my arms and eye rolled. After that, I walk to the cafeteria with my friends, Tanjiro, Nezuko, Kanao, Zenitsu, Inosuke and Aoi. I began to wonder about that dream..  Genya.. Why does that name sound so familiar? Am I just imaginating things? Hallucinating? Questions start to take over my head. "Muichiro-san?" I heard Tanjiro's voice and faced towards him. "Yes..?" I said quietly. "I smell a feeling of uncomfort from you, are you alright?"  He asked me with a concerned look on his face. I just nodded at him and continues to think about the dream. Could it be a memory from when I was a kid..? I looked like a kid, so does he... I thought to myself, still trying to know what that dream is about. Suddenly, something flashed in my head.

"Genya!!" I said as I'm running after the same boy who helped me. "Muichiro, your so slow..." He said with a smile and giggled. The moment he stopped, I stopped running and I was beside him catching my breath. We were surrounded by lovely grass and the sweet scent of flowers. I looked up to see him facing the cloudy sky. "The sky is really pretty..." He said as he faces to me with a soft look. "Yea..." I replied quietly. "I hope you could remember me Mui..." He said as he smiles, fog starts to surround us. He later on faces back to the sky and the fog gets thicker, I can't see him clearly. The more the fog gets thicker, the more I can't see him clearly. "Hey wait—" I said as I tried reaching for his hand but I fell into a deep void.

"Muichiro! Muichiro! Wake up..!!" I heard Nezuko's loud voice. I slowly opened my eyes to see my friends, including my older twin brother, Yuichiro, looking down on me with worried looks on their faces. "What.. What happened..?" I asked quietly as I sat up from the floor and scratch my head. "You fainted..." Kanao said quietly. "Thank God your okay..." Nii-san said as he gives me a warm hug. I hugged him back and looked up on everyone. Something's missing... I thought to myself looking down. Nii-san later got up and landed a hand. "Come Mui let's-- Let me help..!" That boy's voice cutted Nii-san off and saw a vision of him. I shook my head and saw Nii-san once again, I looked at him with confusion. "Mui, let's bring you to the infirmary first." Nii-san said softly, waiting for my hand. I gave him my hand and he pulled me up. "Muichiro, are you alright? You've been acting weirdly today.." Kanao asked quietly as she's concerned. "Yea I'm fine..." I replied with an awkward smile. "Come on, let's go..." Nii-san said softly while bringing me to the school infirmary. While walking, I was still thinking about that vision. Why.. Why does it feel familiar and real? Could it be a 𝑴𝒊𝒔𝒕𝒚 𝑴𝒆𝒎𝒐𝒓𝒚..? No.. I'm just overthinking things.. It's not real.. I thought to myself as we reached the infirmary.

Zenitsu Pov

My friends kept talking about Muichiro as we walk, I understand that they're worried and I'm worried aswell. But I can't stop thinking about Mui repeating the name "𝑮𝒆𝒏𝒚𝒂" so quietly in his sleep last period. That's very unlike him and it scares me... Should I tell him about him or not..? I know that he has a bad memory, he even forgot about him. I don't know what I should do.. I thought to myself as I'm looking down.  So far me and Tanjiro knows about this since we're the closest friends of Muichiro and him.. "Zenitsu..? Are you alright?" I turned to see my girlfriend Nezuko, looking at me concerned. "Yea..." I replied quietly. "Listen, we're all worried about Muichiro.. But I'm sure he'll be fine..!" Nezuko said slightly with a smile. I nodded and smiled back at her. But I'm not sure if I should tell Mui... I thought to myself while walking.

Author's note: Another GenMui story hehe.. So Muichiro saw a vision of him as a kid with someone he doesn't know..? Huh... Well hope he remembers:)

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