After washing up, the both of them let out a giggle as they heard Rain's stomach growl. The younger shyly looked at Phayu before saying, "Phi, I'm hungry."

With no hesitation, the alpha suddenly got up from the bed and scooped up the omega in his arms like a child. Both of them went downstairs and headed to the kitchen.

"Stay here, baby. I'll make you something to eat, okay? Oh, and how about Uncle? What food does he like?" The older asked, looking for ingredients in the mansion's pantry.

"Yay! P'Phayu will cook!" Rain exclaimed as his feet moved excitedly. "Appa likes Italian cuisine, Phi. His favorites are truffle pasta and mushroom risotto." The alpha nodded in respons as he put on the apron and heard a gasp from his omega. "Wow! My boyfriend is so handsome!" Rain giggled.

Phayu blushed at the sudden compliment but gave the omega a wink and a flying kiss. Rain jokingly caught it with his hands as he kissed it as if he was kissing Phayu back. "Cute boy. Behave. Wait for me to finish, okay?"
The omega just nodded cutely in response, earning a small smile from Phayu.

Rain placed his elbows on the table as he put his face on his hands. 'I'm so lucky! I've got the most handsome, responsible, and reliable alpha ever! I can't believe he's my boyfriend now! So cool!' The omega thought to himself as he watched Phayu with sparkling eyes, scent turning sweet as he thinks of his boyfriend.

The omega continued to stare at his boyfriend who is now doing his magic in their kitchen. He thinks that if Phayu wasn't a fancy garage owner, he'll make a perfect chef who's the head in an expensive restaurant. 'Haa, how did I get to bag him like this? Will this be my everyday view in the morning or evening? Will I get to see him in aprons every single day, cooking for me? Kyaaah! My boyfriend is so capable of everything! Not only he's my chef, he also happens to be my bodyguard, my tutor, and a rich man who owns different branches of his fancy garage in some parts of Thailand! Eomma, Appa, I am definitely going to marry this man some day!' The omega daydreamed as he continued to ogle at his alpha who's looking very hot and cool at the same time.

His daydreaming was cut off when someone beside him cleared their throat. "Ehem, ehem." It was his Appa who is now sitting beside him since God knows when. The omega was taken aback of the alpha's presence and mentally scolded himself for not being able to sense it. He looked at his Appa, embarrassed.

"It stinks in here." The older suddenly said, covering his nose. Rain, on the other hand, was confused. 'Huh? But I can't smell anything..?' He sniffed himself and furrowed his brows, not knowing the source of the unpleasant smell.

"It's because all I can smell is love in the air." His Dad laughed loudly at his own joke, earning a whine from the now blushing Rain.

"Appa~ Stop it! And.. and, who's in love, huh? Me? No! There's no one who's in love here!" He knows he's caught as his tone went three octaves higher than usual.

The older alpha gave a suspicious look to his son who's now blushing furiously, not wanting to meet his Appa's gaze. "Haa, my little baby is now a grown up. He has a boyfriend now. While me, I will grow old alone in this house with no one to tend to." He fake cried, earning an eye roll from Rain.

"So what if I have a boyfrie— WAIT WHAT!? Appa! H-how did you know?!" Rain exclaimed, gaining the attention of the alpha who's cooking in the kitchen.

His Dad just gave him a shrug in response, acting all cool while Rain just stood there, scandalized. 'How in the hell did Appa know about my relationship with P'Phayu? It's been 2 hours since we've been boyfriends. Is my Appa secretly a mind reader? Oh no, what about my thoughts about P'Phayu!? Has he read them already? What do I do? What do I do?' The omega panicked in his thoughts before feeling the comforting hands of his alpha.

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