Chapter 12

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Next morning , While at the event in their country home, Penelope saw an opportunity to have a serious conversation with Colin about Eloise's recent adventures downtown. Concerned about the potential consequences of Eloise's actions, Penelope hoped that Colin, as her brother, could provide some guidance.

"Colin, we need to talk about Eloise," Penelope began, her tone laced with worry. "She's been going downtown to meet with Theo, and I'm afraid it might lead to gossip and speculation."

Colin chuckled dismissively, not grasping the gravity of the situation. "Oh, Penelope, you always worry too much," he replied with a carefree grin. "Eloise is just being adventurous. Besides, what harm could come from a little wandering around town?"

Penelope let out a frustrated sigh, rolling her eyes at Colin's lack of understanding. She took Matters to her own hand and Later that night, Penelope approached Eloise, gently bringing up her concerns once again. "Eloise, you can't deny the connection between you and Theo," she said softly. "I've seen it, and I worry about the implications it may have for your reputation and future."

Eloise scoffed, brushing off Penelope's suggestion. "Oh, Penelope, you're imagining things," she retorted, feigning indifference. "Theo is just a friend, nothing more."

As the night progressed and Eloise found herself alone in the quiet darkness of her bedroom, her thoughts began to wander. Images of Theo's captivating smile and the stimulating conversations they shared flooded her mind. She tried to push these feelings aside, but they refused to be ignored.

Tossing and turning in her bed, Eloise wrestled with her emotions, realizing that she couldn't deny the truth any longer. "I am falling for him," she admitted silently, her heart feeling both exhilarated and vulnerable.

The realization brought a mix of anticipation and trepidation. Eloise knew that pursuing a relationship with Theo would challenge the societal norms that governed their lives. But at the same time, she couldn't ignore the undeniable connection they shared, nor the way he made her feel alive and understood.

As sleep finally claimed her, Eloise drifted into a dreamscape filled with visions of a world where love transcended social barriers and true happiness was found in embracing one's heart's desires.

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