Chapter 7

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Days after the feminist meeting, Eloise Bridgerton couldn't stop thinking about the ideas and discussions she had been exposed to. The room was filled with passionate voices, each sharing their own experiences and perspectives. Eloise had read works by some of the most renowned feminist writers of the time, and their words had ignited a fire within her. She had even discovered that Theo himself was a published author, and his eloquence had captivated her mind and heart. She found herself replaying their conversations in her head, yearning for more.

However, her excitement was dampened when her friend Penelope Featherington approached her with a concerned look. "Eloise, I must warn you," Penelope said, her voice laced with worry. "Associating with Theo could bring unwanted attention and judgment upon you. Our society is not kind to those who step outside the boundaries of their class."

Eloise felt a mix of frustration and disappointment. She had always been aware of the social hierarchy that governed their lives, but the feminist movement had awakened something in her—a desire for change, for a world where women were not confined by their social status.

As the days passed, Eloise continued to immerse herself in feminist literature and engaged in spirited debates with like-minded individuals. Each day brought a deeper understanding of the movement's goals and the significance of her role within it. She realized that her association with Theo was not just a personal connection; it was a statement of defiance against a society that sought to confine women to predetermined roles.

In her solitary moments, Eloise couldn't help but ponder the obstacles she would face. Doubts crept into her mind, whispering of the hardships and sacrifices that lay ahead. But she quickly brushed them aside, remembering the powerful community she had found. She envisioned a future where women from all walks of life would unite, breaking free from the shackles of societal expectations.

With determination burning in her eyes, Eloise murmured to herself, "I may be just one woman, but together, we are an unstoppable force. I will continue to fight for the rights and freedoms of all women, no matter the challenges that lie ahead."

Eloise knew that the road ahead would be arduous, filled with opposition and setbacks. Yet, she also knew that her voice mattered, and the voices of countless women mattered too. As she looked ahead, she drew strength from the vibrant community surrounding her, realizing that together they would pave the way for a brighter future—a future where women could associate with whomever they chose, where social class held no power over their worth.

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