"Well, I guess, but, hey, I'm bored... And finished!" Wangji proclaimed as he finished off the final plait. Standing in front of the full length mirror Lan WangJi was admiring himself and smiled hearing Wei Ying say

"Looks good JiJi! Really shows if your face! "

"Still say its too much work for a hairstyle... But it's different alright." Jiang Cheng tilted his head and squinted at the back of Lan WangJi head before asking, "How did you keep them so straight and tight to your skull? You didn't even look at the mirror!? "

"Just out of curiosity, are you going to walk around Cloud Recesses like that?" Huaisang asked.

"...Oh... Yeah... not. Ill take them out later before bed. I just wanted to try them."
Shrugging WangJi shook his head, admiring the many tiny plaits and ideas of hair jewellery filled his head. Wei Yings smiling face filled the mirror as he played with a few strands then said

"It's too bad JiJi I like this look on you. Add some sparkle, and you'll be too pretty to look at! "

WangJi ears burned as red as WuXians cheeks when Jiang Cheng and Nie Huaisang made faces and groaned complaints.
" Ack! Enough of that! How about a game while our "waterproof" robes dry enough to walk back to our rooms. "

" It's a work in progress!"WangJi stomped his foot before saying

"Rock Paper, scissors?"

"Sounds good, ey JiJi, let's go first!" Wei Ying happily proclaimed.

Huiasang and Jiang Cheng watched irksomely as Wei Ying made his move a second after Wangji and kept losing on purpose. 

"Aiya, Lan Zhan, you win again!" 

"Wow, JiJi, you're  so good at this!" 

"This is sickening." Jiang Cheng grounded as he screwed up his face like he just ate a lime. 

"This is love." Huiasang ruefully shook his head, as he crossed his arms. 

"Oi, Wei Wuxian, are you trying to give us all diarrhoea with all this dog food you're shoving down our throats."  Jiang Cheng yelled at the disgustingly lovey-dovey pair. 

"Just because you're miserable, doesn't mean I have to be. Just let me pamper my ZhanZhan!" Wei Ying huffed while Jian Cheng made a squawking noise. 

 "Wei Wuxian!" Jiang Cheng yelled and threw a book which Wei Ying barely dodged, while he 

Nie Huaisang was laughing as he watched Wei Ying chase Jiang Cheng around the room while WangJi blushed some more.

Lan WangJi groaned as he rolled over in bed; for some reason, his scalp was throbbing and burning. Reaching up, his fingers felt the many tiny plaits of braids and groaned again, deeper in annoyance.

'I fell asleep right after they left! I Guess Jiang Cheng was right. I did pull them too tight to my scalp... Ouch, ohhhhhwww sniff'

As quickly as he could, he undid the many rows of waist-length hair, not really paying attention, only in a hurry to relieve his throbbing scalp. When done, he gently but vigorously rubbed his scalp and finger-combed his tresses. Yawning in relief as tingles flowed down his scalp, he went to get dressed. Passing the mirror, he jumped in fright.

In the mirror was a version of himself, one wearing his sleeping robes but with the biggest, hugest mop of curly hair.

The huge mass of ringlets gently fell down his back like the weeping willow in the back hills.
Whimpers left his throat as he tried to push the mass down, only for it to spring back and look fluffier. Desperate, he grabbed the brush and quickly tried to brush it straight, but the frizzed curls fought back. WangJi now had a sea of wavy curls with a comb somewhere in it.

"No, no, no! This can't happen, not now; why now?!"Wangji said as he paced up and down his room, resisting the urge to pull at his hair, as that would only make things worse.

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