While Jaylee slept, Luke sat on his bed, feeling completely numb. All he did was stare at his dark wall, his eyes puffy and tired. He felt like he had only half a heart, and Jaylee took the other half when she left. Luke could never blame her, though; this was all his fault. He was about to try to fall asleep, but the ringing of his phone brought him out of his zoned out state. Luke prayed it was Jaylee, but when he saw Sam's name flashing on his screen, he knew he was royally screwed. 

"You have five damn seconds to explain." Sam gritted through the phone, and Luke flinched. He was definitely dead. He had no doubt in his mind. Luke let out a sigh and looked at the ground. 

"I didn't mean to do it." Luke mumbled, his voice strained and tired, but he knew Sam wouldn't care. Luke had promised Sam he wouldn't hurt Jaylee, and what did he do? 

He destroyed her. 

But he didn't just destroy her-- he destroyed himself too. 

"I bet you didn't." Sam hissed, and Luke sighed again. "You know she is up in her room crying, right!? You know her heart is broken, right!? She was in love with you, and you, little son of  a bitch, hurt her as much as you could." 

A single tear escaped Luke's eye, and he quickly wiped away. He was disgusted with himself. Here he was crying over her. He shouldn't have been crying. He was the one who messed up majorly, not her. He didn't deserve to cry. Luke had the most amazing girl ever. Jaylee was the only girl who looked past his heartbreaker ways and accepted him for who he was, simply because she loved him more than she loved herself, and he messed it all up. He hated himself for it, too. 

"Sam, you don't understand. If I could take back, I would-- believe me." Luke's voice cracked before he continued, "I still love her. Don't tell her that; I don't want her hurting more than she already is. Just.. believe me, okay?" 

Sam stayed silent for a minute before he let out a frustrated sigh. "Fine. But if you ever hurt her again, I will hurt you. Got it!?" 

"Got it." Sam hung up the phone, and walked to his window. The rain was pelting down, and thunder rumbled through the sky. A single lightning strike struck the little tree in his back yard, splitting it right in half. Luke couldn't help but to think that was exactly how both his and Jaylee's hearts broke. 

Jaylee was still asleep while Sam talked to Luke. Her sleep was dreamless-- all she saw was black. She didn't even feel like she was sleeping. She was just resting. Right before she had fallen into a deep sleep, she felt someone shaking her arms, and she had hoped when she opened her eyes, Luke would be standing there with that boyish grin of his. 

But he wasn't. 

Sam was sitting in front of her, staring at her with worried eyes. Behind him was Raelynn who sat beside Jaylee and wrapped her arm around Jaylee's shoulder. 

Sam frowned at Jaylee as she slowly sat up. "Sis..." 


"Who did Luke cheat on you with?" Jaylee stared at her brother, her heart breaking all over again as she watched the scenes from earlier replaying in her mind. Luke. Adele. Cheating. Kissing. Breaking her. How could she forget? As those images flashed in her mind, she busted into tears again, and Raelynn pulled her into a tight hug. Luke had cheated on Jaylee with Adele. Her best friend. Sam wrapped his arms around Jaylee and Raelynn, and Jaylee clutched to the both of them. 

Her best friend and her boyfriend had destroyed her. 


As Jaylee rolled out of bed the next day, she cursed the people who decided to start school on a Monday. It was such a dull, boring day. It made Jaylee want to hit her head off a wall for entertainment. Mondays were bad, bad mornings for everyone. She could see where the saying "Monday blues" came into play. 

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