DEEP DARKNESS, WITH A SWORD!summer festival!huge flower blooming in the nigh sky

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Previously on, kamen rider saber and smile precure,Shindai reika become kamen rider sabela as she going punishment on yasu and others. Sabela was too stronger when happy and others tried to fight back. Then, yasu transformed into kamen rider saber primitive dragon and going attack at them, but suddenly new Calibur was arrived as he save them until he reveal his civilian form was kento as he still alive. He tell them about he going seal the seiken to save world.

In the city, the people have celebrate on festival Sumner as miyuki standing up and waiting for her friends. wear the yukata was pink and image the flower sakura. Her hairpin on her hair was flower. Candy was seat on miyuki shoulder and common to her.

Candy:your dress is really-kuru!

Miyuki was blushing what candy said and spinning around.

Miyuki:isn't it? It's called a yukata!


Miyuki heard from akane and turn back to her, who arrived with nao as she wave at her. Akane wear the yukata, colored with orange and ren. Nao wear yukata with colored green.

Akane:you been waiting long!

Miyuki:akane-chan!nao-chan. You two look nice too!

Candy:you do-kuru.

Akane was giggle at them what they said.

Akane:i know, right? Finally, got my dad to buy me this!

Miyuki:hey, neat.

Nao(blushed):this isn't my usual style. So I'm not sure how well this suit me, but...

Miyuki:aww, don't be silly!you look great.


Yayoi:miyuki-chan!over here!

They heard from yayoi and turn back to her with reika as they arrived. Yayoi wear yukata colors the yellow, her hair was tie up ponytail. Reika wear yukata color blue.

Reika:i must apologize for our delay.

They seem surprise to see that yayoi and reika wear yukata was cute.

Miyuki:wow, you two look really fantastic!

Nao:you look so pretty in that, yayoi-chan.


Akane:and reika"got that whole classy, traditional vibe going on.

Reika:my mother advised me on the correct way to wear this. I must say you all look splendid as well.

They was blushing her said as they remembered something and asked reika.

Miyuki:by the way, reika-chan?

Reika:what is it?

Miyuki:where's yasu-san? I thought we going meet at festival.

Reika:oh! i told him he go without me as he have waiting for mei-san-tachi.

Yasu:hey, guys.

They heard from yasu and turn back to him as he arrived with others.yasu wear the red yukata, daishinji wear the brown yukata, mei wear the yukata was colored yellow and tied on her hair, ogami wear the yukata was grey as sora yukata colored with blue and yuri wear yukata was colored grey.

Miyuki:you guys.

Yasu:sorry keep you guys waiting.

Reika:it's fine.

Yuri wondered around the festival.

Yuri:so this is the summer festival, huh?

Yayoi:so you first time celebrated summer festival?

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