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BYE AGAIN.... I won't update till I'm back in NYC


I wake up feeling sore. My throat hurts well literally everything hurts. I look over seeing Megan, as she peacefully sleeps. I try to sit up but damn do it hurt. I feel wetness in between my legs being reminded of last night.

Megan was a damn beast! And I loved every minute of it, had me soaking and crying. Now usually I strap her but now.....I'm not opposed to it.

"Morning beautiful" I hear and look seeing Megan looking at me
"Morning Baby"
"How are you?"
" did not take it easy on me"
"I'm sorry baby. Had to get that aggression out some way..... was I too rough?" She starts by laughing but ends with some concern and sadness in her voice

"No. No baby you were great. I loved every minute of it"
"Good... uh I was so worried"
"Nothing to worry about baby....I can say that strap was interesting. Like it came. What did you put in it?"
"Uh- oh... you know how they have it when you can insert something in it. I was like why not. So I used the cum lubricant that came with it. D-Did you like it?"
"Very interesting for sure..." she says laughing putting my mind at ease a bit

I chuckle too nervously glad that I got rid of every bit of evidence that equals Pardi and his semen. I even spent the majority of the night cleaning the strap of it, I can not get caught....well atleast not yet.

"Come on let's get you in the tub soaking the soreness away" I tell her as I pick her up bringing her into the bathroom


Megan and I are back on good terms, just loving and being with each other. Which I'm super grateful about, I can't loose my wife. I can't. But I still have my burden of secret I carry so what does that make me.....a liar. A continue to lie to my own wife and act like everything is cool when it's not. I'm burning with this secret as if it's money in my pocket, and I just need to tell her.

After making some lunch for Kaution I give her a kiss then go find Megan so I can tell her that I'm leaving for work. I find her in the bathroom staring at herself with tears in her eyes. I quickly rush to her hugging her as tight as I can.

"Baby what's wrong?"
"No babe, talk to me what's wrong?" I say then kiss behind her neck for comfort to her
"......ugh. I just don't deserve you....the things I've done to you. And you still love me and want to be around me. I-I don't deserve you"

"Baby... don't say that. We deserve each other that's why we're here together. That's why we're married... and will continue to be. I love you unconditionally, remember that"

"E-Even if I did something unforgivable?"
"Baby, as long as you ain't cheat on me, any and everything is forgivable"
"Well I would never cheat on you, I can't even think of doing that to you"
"You better not! Cause it'll hurt me too much to kill you after I kill that bitch you even think of cheating on me with.......but what is it babe? Tell me, please"

"I- I want to give up music.....and I don't want to be a burden for me to quit, so I'm scared that if I quit it'll be a strain on our relationship"
"Babe what? If you want to stop rapping then do so. I support you no matter what. Whatever you wanna do I'mma have your back. I got you baby" I say and she continues to break down a little harder

I see that it's time for me to head to my class so I give her a huge kiss, and tell her to follow her heart and do what's best for her. She nods her head telling me that she loves me and to have a great day.

As I stand in front of my students I look at them listening to their aspirations and what they want to be; and how a GED will help them get to that dream. I miss my old students well I can't call them students anymore they're my friends. And good ones at that.

I think back on Megan, because that reasoning she gave just don't seem right or real to me. I comforted her but I also knew that she was lying. And as her wife I'm going to support her but if I find out she's cheating, she really ain't gonna be rapping no more cause she gonna be dead.


Selfish. That's what I am selfish for even thinking of getting Beyoncé pregnant without her knowing. Selfish and only thinking of myself. I'm a horrible person.... A monster.

And it's all coming out. I can't secretly give her a plan b cause it's WAY passed the time. I'm just gonna have to wait it out and pray. Pray that we can move passed it. Well she did say that she can forgive anything, and like she said she'll kill me for cheating. But I wouldn't even dare think of cheating on her. I love her to much for that.

Two weeks passed, three weeks passed. We're nearly to two months now and still I haven't seen any signs of Beyoncé being pregnant. Like what the fuck is going on. She should most definitely be pregnant but like what the fuck. I wonder if she got rid of the baby, probably trying to figure out how she got pregnant. Oh gosh I don't know what to think or do....I'm just nervous about the whole thing.

I didn't give up music cause I love it, I had to make up an excuse so quick to Beyoncé hoping she believe it. But I know better, she knows me like a book so that means she know I lied. Which could possibly be the reason why she hasn't told me she's pregnant or terminated it.

Knocking me out my thoughts is my phone going off. Looking it's a text message from Pardi,

Is she pregnant yet?

I quickly call him and he answers.

Is she pregnant?

No....well I don't know.

What you mean you don't know? That's your wife, you live together.

Nigga I know! But she's not showing, she hasn't told me anything. Like she doesn't have any pregnancy symptoms....I- I'm kinda scared that she might've gotten rid of the baby

Damn. Forreal. You think she would do that?

Before I can answer my phone goes off again. Looking at it I see that it's Trinity. I quickly tell Pardi that I got another call and answer to her.


Megan! Hurry up, get here quick! Beyoncé is in the hospital

With my heart beating fast and out of norm I rush to the hospital feeling like my world is going down. Not my wife here in this hospital, no. I prayed all the way over here and I rush into the emergency.

Everyone eyes light up, like yes okay I'm Megantheeestallion. I quickly ask the nurse at the desk of my wife and she answers rather too quickly. All I caught was to the left, so I ran as fast as I can down the hallway.

"Meg!" I hear as I run past a room

I run backwards seeing my baby in the bed fidgeting and messing with her nails.
"Baby. Are you okay?"
"Hmmm M-Megan I-I don't know how to say I'm pregnant"
"What?" I say surprised cause I did not think she was. But at the same time not really surprised

My wife is pregnant! I got my wife pregnant!

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