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"Are we gonna talk about what happened last week?" I ask Megan as I walk into her room

"Nope. Cause there's nothing to talk about" she says putting on some makeup

I can't stand when she gets like this. Shuts down and doesn't say anything, just closes herself off.

"You know it's not good to hold your emotions all in"
"Oh gosh, I don't need a therapist okay. Don't use your tactics on me" she says rolling her eyes

"Tuh. If I was, I would've been told you all the shit you need to fix. But I didn't, cause I'm your friend first. At the end of the day, I support you first....but gotta let this girl girl forreal"

......"(sigh) I can't....I really like her"
"But you got Pardi! Why keep dragging her along. And now you're pregnant "
"Because she understands me! She gets the little side of me and the big. She just gets me"

"So why not be with her?"
"I can't" she mutters
"My label. It's not the image they want"
" I'm sorry it makes no sense to me. Cause the Megan I know and grew up with wouldn't take that. She wouldn't let anyone run her life and tell her how it she be. She's her own person and specifically writes songs to let others know that. Inspiring them, letting them know they stand out. So I refuse to accept this"

"But I have to! They said my popularity has gone up since I've been with Pardi. What is being with Beyoncé gonna do?....nothing. I might as well file to clean bathrooms in Barnes and nobles"

"So it's worth loosing yourself over! Mess up your happiness. And besides you don't even like him! So it should be easy to drop him....I just say think it all through seriously. Before you make a decision you'll regret....."


"Nite, you still made at me? It's been two months come on sweetie" I beg Trinity as she walks pass me in the kitchen ignoring me as she's been doing

I take a deep breath as Normani gives me the same look she's been giving me. The I'm sorry look.

But it's not like it's my fault. Pardi threatened me, Megan's pregnant; it was best to leave it all alone. Even when Megan keeps texting me. I simply would just tell her we should let things be.

But deep down I didn't want to let it be, but once he showed me that gun I knew I had to stop.

"I don't know why she's upset. I should be! I was threatened and scared. Nothing is gonna happen to her but me I'll be dead. Plus Megan's pregnant there's no future. And I refuse to put myself through that with someone that doesn't even love me"

"But she does love you. She really does. He doesn't make her happy, you do" Mani says

"Yeah okay. Let me go teach my class. See y'all in the morning"

I walk out getting into my Uber. Soon as I get in I see whose the real driver. Trey.

"Yo Ms. Knowles!!! How you doing? Heading to class now right?"
"Hello Trey. How great to see you"
"I know, an honor to be in my presence and in my car"
" your car?"
"Mmhm you know it"
"Hm.. when I checked my Uber it's supposed to be your mother driving not you. So keep lying, I'mma give one star"
"Alright. Alright damn. Trying to get me a trouble"

"Nah I just want you to stop lying. You don't have to with me Trey....or anyone. You got a good future as long as you stop lying about how easy the damn math is. Then you'll finally graduate" I say making us both laugh.

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