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Pre Warning..... Y'all gonna cuss me out. Okay Love y'all 🤭


I can't

That's all I text Megan. Cause I really can't. I refuse to be stuck in this mixed  up fucked up relationship.

I got two people...two that want me. But I keep putting her before them. They want me and don't come with no drama so why the hell can't I let this girl go!!! I can't, and it keeps bugging my mind of the hold she has on me. I just need to let her go forreal.


I wake up to my phone ringing, not even looking I answer.


Hey, sleepy head!! Come downstairs, I got the day planned for us

Uh Megan

Don't uh Megan me... let's hang out. I gotta make it up to you; please... Mommy

Fine, I say going against my better judgment

"The amusement park!" She shouts posing in front of me

I look at her chuckling at the little in her that is showing. As people walk pass us going inside. Some awe at her so she stops and waves and even takes pictures with some of her fans and their kids. She grabs my hand happily dragging me further inside.

She giggles as we race to the first ride we see, the mini roller coaster.

"AHHHHH wasn't that so much fun!!!" She nearly screams into my ear making me laugh

We've been on so many rides back to back that you would think she would be exhausted of screaming her head off but clearly she's not. She's full of even more energy.

"Mommy....I hungry" she mumbles
"Okay babes, what you in the mood for?"

"........mmhm.....hmmm. How about hot dog?"
"Whatever you want, you can get. I'll get it for you" I say making her blush

We walk over to one of the many food trucks that line the outside of the park finding in baby doll's words; the perfect one.

Baby doll! What am I saying!! I'm getting attached to her and I didn't even plan on it. I tell you no matter what she does, she always has my heart... I seriously love that girl so much. She can literally do anything well has done thing that has hurt me and I still love and took her back.

I watch as she dips her hot dog in cheese sauce taking a bite then giggling as the sauce falls down her chin.

"You little mess maker"
"No, Mommy's little mess maker" she says shaking her head looking at me

I nod my head agreeing, because she definitely is mines. With a napkin I wipe her chin and I see a flash spark in the corner of my right eye....shit another picture.

As if I need that. It's bad enough I got Pardi threatening me. I don't need any drama in my life, but when I look at her. Her eyes hold innocence, sweet and loving. I keep telling myself she's the match for me, but ugh.... The things she do makes me say otherwise.

"Why you look at me?"
"Because, you're my adorable little baby" I say after she knocked me out of my thoughts

She pokes her lips out to me expecting a kiss. I know I shouldn't, but I simply grab her chin pulling her into me. Giving her a quick, but soft gentle kiss which makes me smile.... And makes everyone awe at us, yupp we have an audience.

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