Log 3

We soon got back to Crosby we are just resting for a while. I also managed to get Topham's Story. He was at his house when the invasion began with his children, then the lasers came down and killed his entire family. He raced out of his house and ran down the road to only find the sight of Molly. He was the only Hatt left. I felt sorry for the poor guy and told him we would get through this together. I then talked to Harvey and Henry and I asked them where they were at during this. Harvey was at a field clearing some trees off of the line until the lasers began shooting and he ran away, he was thankfully on the track to Norramby so he managed to reach a nearby tunnel. He stayed there for a day until he reached Crovan's Gate. He then saw Duncan, Fred, and Ivo Hugh in the sheds. Duncan was at Elephant Park when this happened, he raced down the line to see that a Sir Handel and Peter Sam were dead but he kept going. Ivo Hugh was at Skarloey when this occurred, he raced down the line and just saw nothing in his path. Fred was just inspecting tracks with Rusty and then saw they began to drop, Rusty ran back while Fred reversed and got to the sheds. Harvey was thankful they were okay, and he told them that he would be back. He went down the line and he then saw an engine derailed at Kellstrope and he saw Henry had crashed through the buffers. Harvey managed to get him back onto the tracks. They stayed around for a few hours at the station until they saw Neil telling them to get off the Island, as they were evacuating. They haven't seen him since. They soon saw BCE pass by, after a few days, Spamcan passed, and then Duck came into the station, he didn't notice that the points were set on the wrong track and he then crashed into some coaches. They both then left this morning and then saw several blue lights from Ffarquhar and they raced to the rescue, and we knew what happened next. We've gotten everyone's story, but expect for James and Edward. James was at Brendam with Edward when this happened. They both raced out of the yards and then they got to Ffarquhar. One night James thought he saw something and we went to check it out, the last thing remembered before regaining control, was seeing a yellow-greenish light before blacking out. But then the only one left was Edward. But I'm gonna need a new page because oh boy, he and Ffarquhar had quite the story.

The Story of Ffarquhar

Edward and James arrived at Ffarquhar and BoCo, Bill, Ben, and Rosie were in the yards as well. Edward learned Bill and Ben were at Clay Pits when this began. They then woke up the next day to find that James was gone, but then they saw James coming back, but not the way they expected. We know a bit from Rosie's Story I won't go into too much detail. Edward, Bill, Ben, and BoCo joined blah blah blah and Rosie left. But then an alien ship landed at Ffarquhar and began to colonize and area surrounding it. They began to take Bill, Ben, and BoCo away from experimenting, Edward tried to catch up with them and then he was blown off the rails and he blacked out.

He then reawaken in a shed that was advanced and several aliens were conducting experiments on poor old Eddie. He was then taken out of the shed and he was tested. Edward's lasers pointed to the remains of Neville, so they also found him. The lasers then fired and blew up the last of Neville. Edward then saw the aliens trying to fix BoCo's generator, we knew what happened so I'll just skip there. But a few minutes later, he saw Rosie smash through the gates they had built and she raced out of Ffarquhar. Several hours later, and during the early hours of the morning. The aliens found Mavis and Daisy and shunted them into the sheds. After a while Edward then saw a man on top of a hill, it was Arthur's Driver, and then the aliens began to shoot at him and we know Arthur's Story so, skipping. During the night, Edward was about to head out with some of the aliens and they went down the line to kill anyone that the aliens could find. During those few nights, they killed the following, Bear, runaway Derek, the pack, Whiff, Rocky, Fergus, Stepney, George, Big City Engine, and Duck who had crashed into the coaches.

Log 4

This was gut-wrenching stuff. We now know the answers to Big City Engine and Duck. But we need to find Toby and Oliver too. But we heard a noise, we then saw a huge ship land somewhere at the end of the east side of the Island. We raced to the scene but not before we picked up the narrow gauge engines and we went off to Vicarstown. We arrived then we saw a queen and king with hundreds of minions, and they yelled their screech for attack. We then knew what was about to happen and we got everyone ready, and we raced down the line to try and outrun the aliens, but they outnumbered us. We were almost goners as they began to attack us and they began to kill all of us. But then there was a big beam that we saw that would make anyone it touched invincible. James was still with his tentacles from before, as I thought I would just point that out. But then we the beaming falling towards the king and queen and while they ripped Vicarstown's roof off, but then James pushed them and he got him by the beaming and then saw James getting bigger until he reached the king's size. The king and queen tried to kill him but James grabbed onto them with one of his tentacles and he threw them into the distance. The king bed queen told their minions to kill him, but James had got the upper hand, knocked them up into space and he threw the king and queen, and smashed them into their spaceship and which exploded with debris going in all directions. I then reawaked to find the ship was destroyed, but the king and queen were still alive, but their shields were destroyed, and that's when we saw the military come in and they shot them down for good. The survivors began to cheer in victory and we all celebrated, even James did. We all just celebrated throughout the entire remainder of the day to the end. But the damage was severe, several places were destroyed and we lost so many engines. The military knew what they had to do, and it was to wipe our memories out and seize James. They also found a cure to bring engines back from the dead. They did just that to everyone, expect for me. They had no idea where I was and after they left. I'm the only one who knew this event existed from this day onwards. This story was made to tell the story that has been washed out of people's minds, and has now been told. Thank you for reading this story. Well I have to go, my train for Vicarstown is due in a few minutes so I must be off. Farwell Dear Reader. Keith Wickham~ 1998

The Sudrian Invasionजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें