February 22nd, 1998

333 2 0

Log 1

The day started like any other, rain, fucking rain. We gave some time for the engines to rest, they've been through a lot. Our current plan at the moment is to go down to the Brendam Branch to find any survivors. There could be a slim chance Thomas could be there, Douglas did mention a glowing coach, there could be aliens in that coach for all we know.

Log 2

Gordon, Percy, and the rest woke up at around 8, we fired up Gordon and made sure his safety value was okay. After all of that, we set off to Brendam, we found the crane Donald mentioned yesterday, and god did it hit him hard, speaking of Donald, he stayed behind because he said he didn't feel good at the moment, we accepted his words and we set off.

Log 3

We began to go down the Brendam Branch to find survivors, hopefully, we'll find some, I hope anyways. We stopped at the Vicar's Orchard, and what we saw.. was just bloodshot. Jem Cole and his entire family were killed, and his kids were far beyond recognition, being muricated to ash, we then heard a voice inside the shed, and... we all know who it was, Trevor. He was in the goddamn sheds the entire time, he told us Jem was busy that day, and the children's rides were cut for the week, and Trevor was still in the shed, but when the aliens came in, Jem was killed, with his family, he saw Douglas go by with his train, Thomas with his coaches, and Douglas going back the other way, but a few hours ago, he heard a whistle that he couldn't recognize, but I somewhat sounded like Winston's. We told him we were heading down to Brendam at the moment, Trevor was glad but was then worried about Edward. We told him we would find Edward eventually, and we'll come back for Trevor to take him with us, but for now, we continued down the line, leaving him. We soon found Douglas's goods train as he mentioned, it was still in one piece, and nothing bad happened to it, but we ignored the cars and moved on. We arrived at Upper Brendam to find nothing, the only things we saw were scattered trucks, nothing happened here. We soon arrived at Brendam, to find the corpse of a diesel with no face wheels, and number, it was not Salty, but Dennis. Dennis was completely gone, he was just decimated into nothingness. We had a moment of silence for the laziest engine on Sodor. We went to check the yards to find anything there, we then saw an engine crash in one of the sheds, we pulled him out and he saw it was Winston. The poor engine got his face a tiny bit hard, felt bad for the poor guy. Winston said he was coming back from the mainland with a goods train to take to Brendam, he and his crew had no idea about the attack, so he just continued, he then got chased by a tank engine, and he proclaimed it wasn't Rosie or the Twins. It was Albert. He was at Kellstrophe the entire time, he came out of the shed ready to pounce, his wheels were fast like a cheetah's. He roared out of the sheds chasing him. He passed Killdane spotting us, but we didn't hear him. Albert raced through the station, catching up to him, he was then diverted onto the wrong line and crashed into the breakdown crane, I guess that's why we saw a dent in it. Winston raced over the hill and down the line, blowing his whistle in the process endlessly. He soon realized he was at Brendam, he screeched on his brakes screaming for dead life, but it was too late. Albert eventually found him, he kept quiet to not make a noise, tricking Albert to think he was dead, the trick worked, and Albert ran out of the docks angry. Winston was relieved. We were just glad to see he was alright, we then remembered Thomas, and we brought Winston along with us, we then saw a glowing coach, and realized it was Thomas's, we found Thomas, and... he was, somewhat okay. But for some reason, he was very frightened, I don't know what it is. Thomas stopped shivering and looked at us. We asked Thomas what was wrong, and he told us his story.

Log 4/A Thomas Tale

Thomas' story began at Toyreck, the aliens suddenly began dropping down on him, and he raced out of the station with an extra coach, it was his special coach. He raced past the watermill and the Els Bridge. When he got to Knapford, he quickly went on to the Main Line, taking shelter at Knapford. After the lasers disappeared, he decided to leave the island, without stopping. We raced through all of the stations until he didn't realize he was on the Brendam Branch by accident. When he arrived at Brendam, he nearly crashed into the nearby buffers, he quickly stopped in time. During the next day, his crew went to find supplies, they said they would come back. At Night, his crew was still not back, he could only assume they were dead meat by then. Then out of nowhere, and green and red cloud stormed up nearly in front of Thomas, scaring him to death. Winston also proclaimed he heard a similar noise like that. The cloud then made a noise, speaking to him. Thomas heard him and wondered what the hell was happening. The cloud then asked Thomas if he wanted to join them, Thomas was just confused and scared, the cloud then created a vision of what was to come for the future, he was meant to die. Thomas was shocked, and confused at the same time. Thomas then asked what the catch was, the cloud said there was no catch, Thomas still said he would not join them, he then thought the cloud was an alien. The cloud's final words to him were jump scares that can not even describe, and then the cloud disappeared. Thomas was paranoid by that point, he couldn't contain himself. We decided to bring Thomas with us, we could use the extra help. Thomas decided to come with us immediately after all of the nightmare fuel he got. We soon left the docks worried about Thomas, we then saw Cranky on the way out, his face had marks everywhere and his insides were gutted out, we didn't stick around much longer.

Log 5

We soon arrived back at Killdane, with pretty much no more people as before. Percy and Douglas were happy to see us, and Percy was happy to see Thomas again. While we were gone, 2 engines passed by. Around 12:56, Toby passed by with Henrietta, and car, and several trucks, we assumed to also be going to the Vicarstown Bridge. At 4:37, Big City Engine, or Peter shot passed. He was heading in the direction of Knapford, with loaded coaches. We hoped he was okay. We gave Thomas and all the other engines the remainder of the day to rest, they deserved it. We planned to head to Knapford by tomorrow, but we could switch plans and go down the Kirk Ronan Line, but we'll see, we plan to find Neil and the Narrow Gauges Engines tomorrow, and we'll see how things go.

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