February 25th, 1998

287 0 0

Log 1

We began to get all of the engines ready to go and we began to say our goodbyes as we don't if we are coming back. We shunted Emily at the back of the yards so she would be unnoticed. I'm leaving this journal here until we get back. Now let's do this.

Log 2

WE DID IT! We fucking did it! Sorry, Sorry, let me explain from the start.

As we were heading down the line we didn't see much. The only notice was Elizabeth, but the aliens had already gotten to her first. But while we saw her, we heard the honk of a car that was all too familiar, we saw Caroline pull up and stopped right beside us. She was at her owner's house when this occurred and her owner was killed, she stayed there for several days until someone came and began to take her out. That's when she found us and I couldn't believe who was driving her, it was Sir Topham Hatt himself. We were glad to see him but we then heard the noises of aliens in the distance. We arrived at the Hackenbeck Tunnel and it was boarded up as Arthur told us. We then raced through the tunnel and charged through the tunnel. The aliens then saw us and it then became an all-out war. Gordon ran over several aliens killing them in the process. Percy and Rosie stopped at the station and began to collect passengers but this almost failed as the aliens began to grab the vaporize the citizens. The remaining passengers got in and Percy and Rosie raced down back to the tunnel as that part of the plan worked. Gordon knew they had to get to the one in charge of this. Then, the alien in charge stepped down from his ship and Gordon ran for the kill on him. But he then crashed into him and he went flying onto his side. I tried to shoot at him, but it didn't work. He has a protective shield so no one can kill him. Then I saw something at the top of the ship that said something called "Deactivate Shields" I ran up to get to the top, but although there were several aliens in my way, I was still victorious and managed to get up there. But then it began to float and it was vaporized by the leader. I was furious, but then his shield began to crack. But then I was surprised when I saw Edward smash into Arthur and knock him off the rails. Arthur told Edward, why would he do this. But he then told him he wasn't in control of his crew. The aliens were in control of him, then I heard screaming they were beginning to rip Thomas's insides out. I then saw Douglas going to help him but Douglas was immediately knocked out by the aliens. But then a big roar came into the distance. It was when I saw James ready to kill someone, but he passed all the engines until he reached the leader, I then thought I saw his face deform into his normal one, James was also in control of the aliens as well. Thomas yelled at James to fight his demons and after that, James managed to snap back into control, but he still had alien mutations, he realized what he had become and he then saw the alien leader, and he picked him up. But although the leader tried to save his life his force field. James got the better of him and he ripped him in half. Everyone went quiet, but then the aliens yelled several retreat signals. They all went back to their ship and they took off, but as I was still on there, was flown off and fell to the nearby ground below, but then I felt a sudden swoosh I saw that James saved my life, and we got back to the ground. We then saw the advanced machinery collapse and Edward got back to his normal self. But then we heard the whistles of two engines and saw Harvey and Henry come into the yards.

"What did we miss?" said Harvey.

"You missed a lot, Harvey. Now can someone get me back onto the rails!?" said Thomas.

After a minute or so, Harvey began to get everyone back onto the rails. I then saw Mavis and Daisy, we haven't learned their stories so I when to him and told them what happened. Mavis was at the quarry when this happened. She hid in the quarry for a few days until the aliens found her and they took her back to their base. Daisy on the other hand was at Ulfstead when this happened, the aliens didn't seem to find her and she managed to stay there for a few days until they found her and we knew what happened after that. We soon left Ffarquhar we heard muffled help from a nearby garden shed. I opened the door and saw it was Terence. He was okay but had a bullet in his face. James saw a flatbed at the yards, and then back to get it. Terence was terrified of James's tentacles but was glad he was in control. We uncoupled Percy and James put the flatbed next to us and Terence then got on it. He was still at the field when it began and he saw Thomas pass by and he got to his shed. He then heard three bullets, one was shot on its own and then hit the shed door, and then it shot Terence in the face. He screamed at the sight but he was just sad that no one was there.

The Sudrian InvasionOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora