February 23rd, 1998

353 2 1

Log 1

As we were waking up a few minutes the morning, we suddenly saw more UFOs laying down on us, and then without any warning, they began to shoot, I got jumped scared from Gordon's cab and we began to get all the engines fired up, and after we got Thomas done, they began to shoot into the station, we hit the accelerators and raced down the line, we went over Gordon's Hill, and raced into Crosby, and the aliens once again couldn't find us, so they bugged off. We were relieved that we were safe. We soon moved Donald to a nearby siding and we saw Thomas was still shivering, I think I know why. We then heard a whistle of an engine coming down the line. It was Douglas, and he somehow made it out in one piece. But he did have a scar across his face, but besides that he's fine. Donald was relieved to see his twin was ok. We decided to rest here for a while until we get the motivation to try and go up the line to find BCE or any other engine.

Log 2

We decided to go up the line, it is 11:54, and it was 8:15 when I wrote the first log, so I think it's best to find more engines before the sun goes down. While we were searching Elsbridge, we found a dead Molly in the nearby shed, her face was filled with bullet shots, and her mouth and eyes were hollowed. We were shocked by that, Molly out of all engines was dead, and Percy decided to just wait here until we get back. We agreed and set off to the rest of the Main Line, but not until we decided to go to Thomas's Branch first and go see if anyone is alive down there. After a while, we soon saw Rosie coming down the Branch, she was going fast, really fast, she wasn't even slowing down! We screamed and raced back down the line to Elsbridge, and as we stopped Rosie stopped, we lashed at Rosie to tell her why she was going so fast. She told us she wasn't going to kill us, she told us she was escaping Ffarquhar, she has a big story so I'm going to need a ton of space right now.

Log 3

Rosie was apparently at Wellsworth when they first attacked, she was at the station with BoCo, and that's when they began to attack, Rosie began to race down the line at full speed, and BoCo followed behind her. As they passed the field where James Crashed years ago, a laser beam shot at the field hoping the aliens would kill them, but when the laser hit the land, the shockwave hit BoCo's generator, causing him to overheat. Rosie went back as quickly as she could to couple up to him, and after they did they continued running. They soon went down Thomas's Branch, they saw Terence at the field screaming for help, hopefully, he's alright. They soon slammed to a stop at Ffarquhar, exhausted. They pushed BoCo into a nearby shed for him to calm down. As they were there for a while, James and Edward slammed into the yards, and Bill and Ben came in out of nowhere from the other direction. They all rested until they could figure something out. When they soon woke up, they saw out of nowhere James was gone. But then they heard James's whistle, but not in the way they expected it, it was a bit more distorted and low. They then saw James and several aliens in front of them, they have taken mind control of James, and they held the rest of the engines as hostages. They said to join them or perish, Edward, BoCo, Bill, and Ben were the first ones to sign up. Rosie, was so terrified, she ran out of the station, and the aliens began to attack her, Edward yelled at her about what the hell she was doing. She raced down the quarry line, but the aliens lost track of Rosie so they went back to Ffarquhar to take care of the other engines. She arrived at the quarry and it was silent, nothing remained there, except for trucks that were terrified about the aliens, lasers, and their stuff as they couldn't get the screams out of their small heads. They decided to just stay low until they could figure out a plan to get to the other side of Ffarquhar. At 11:50 this morning, Rosie had the plan to go into full swing to get out, they slowly began to go to Ffarquhar, and when they arrived, they saw that the Alien had fully built a colony there. The Aliens were trying to fix BoCo's generator, and that's when Diesel came in, he was far too mutated, his face was melting, his left eye was bleeding, and his cab was ripped off. He then crashed into the shed, with aliens seizing this as an opportunity to fix BoCo. They began to rip his generator out, and they soon put it into BoCo, fixing him. Rosie raced into charge and smashed through both gates they had locked. They soon saw Mrs. Kindley they slowed down for her to jump on, and they continued to race down the line, and that's when she got to us. Gordon was relieved that Edward, Bill Ben, and the rest were all right, but he was furious that they took control of James. Percy was just disappointed. Rosie decided to come with us on our next search, as we set off for Knapford.

Log 4

We soon arrived at Knapford, broken glass and plaster were everywhere. The trucks in the yards were telescoped into one other, and the coaches at the platform were crushed by debris. We also saw Big City Engine, or well... what was left of him. He was on fire and destroyed, similar to Neville, his tender and cab pieces were everywhere. He.. was dead. We decided to leave Knapford, as no one here survived. But before we did, we saw the body of a red engine, it wasn't James or Edward, it was a red K2 Furness locomotive, this engine was a replica prototype to see if they could bring K2's back to action, and they saw that he had with stripes too, and a 17 on his tender. This engine did have a name, as he was a prototype after all. The engine eventually spoke up, telling he arrived at the Island for his first day when the lasers began to shoot, he hid in the shed here until they went away. We did understand the engine. We gave a name by Joesph, but while he did like it, he didn't think of it as a permanent one. We soon left Knapford to head back to Crosby with the others.

Log 5

We got back around 4:12 and we rested in the station for a while until our next move. We soon learned that several engines passed by recently. At 1:15, Spamcan passed by with a slow goods train, he didn't know what was going on so he shrugged it off, and at 4:07, Duck ran past, he raced through the station without stopping, I guess he was trying to escape the Island. We decided to just rest in the station for the rest of the day as we don't know what to do at the moment. 

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