February 19th 1998

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Log 1

I rewrote this page of my journal to give all content about the upcoming future of this story. But anyways, my name is Keith Wickham, the driver of Gordon, Sodor's Number 4, I brought this empty book because I have a lot to talk about what's been happening these past few days.

I had this journal for a long time and I've just kept it in my household since I don't have anything to talk about. Until now. I've recently got information that there have been black satellites going around America and destroying famous landmarks in the country. There are rumors that the U.K. is next, and they're first target is Sodor. I hope that doesn't happen as this Island is a famous place and more people have been coming to the Island since the television series aired 14 years ago. I'm also upset that Wilbert Adwry passed away last year, as well as Sir Charles Topham Hatt. Stephen is currently the controller.

But before the day when everything on this Island went downhill. It was just business as usual. During the night of this day, we saw Dennis in the middle of the line. He had run out of fuel and was stuck. We saw some fuel tankers near Wellsowrth and we brought them to Dennis, he thanked us and he went down the line to Brendam. Little did we know, that would be the last time we would ever see him alive.

We got back to Tidmouth later that evening and I shunted Gordon into the sheds. I said good night to Gordon and Stephen and I went back home, not knowing the chaos I was going to get into tomorrow. 

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