Lighthouse Empire Arc, Episode 4

Start from the beginning

Aiku smiles and nods confidently. "I will!"

Faye gently touches her hair and rises to her feet, taking Aiku's hand and proceeding forward once more. "Let's go pick up a few of your favorite snacks on the way home, and I'll make a nice big dinner for you!" 

"Okay!" Aiku chirps gleefully.

Later that evening, Faye stands over a stove and cooks a variety of foods, filling their small house with delightful aromas. Aiku waits at the table, playing with her toys. Just then, Dani, who is 15 years old, arrives at the front door accompanied by a young Tydal, Tiff and Chong. "Just wait here, I'll be right back out." He tells them. He walks into the house in dirty clothes and approaches the kitchen table. 

"Hi, Dani!" Aiku calls to him. 

He smiles to her. "Hey, Aiku." He walks around the table and comes in front of his mother. "Smells awesome, mom!"

Faye looks down to him with her warm, smiling eyes. "Thank you. It's almost done." She pulls a gold pocket watch from her belt and checks the time. "Set the table for me, and then I need you to watch after Aiku while I'm a work."

Dani becomes frustrated. "What? Again?! But we were all going down to the beach tonight!"

Faye sighs. "Dani--you know I have to work. I don't want to either, but I need these extra hours right now. You know that."

Dani's frustration changes to acceptance, yet he still expresses his unhappiness. "I know...I'm sorry."

Faye bends down and places her hand on the side of his head. "Thank you, sweetheart." She kisses his forehead. "Now go tell your friends you'll see them tomorrow. And I'll see you tonight."

Dani nods and walks past Aiku petulantly, who notices he is upset. She is concerned, but continues to play with her toys. Dani opens the front door to see his friends impatiently waiting.

"Come on, Dani, let's go!" Tydal orders.

Dani huffs and looks down. "Sorry Tydal, can't go tonight."

"What? Don't tell me you're babysitting again!"


"Ugh. That is so lame." Chong interjects.

Tiff punches his arm. "Shut up, Chongy! It's not his fault!"

"What the heck, Tiff?!" Chong rubs his arm.

Tydal sighs. "Whatever. Alright then, I guess we'll just see you tomorrow."

The groups waves to him as they walk away and disappear down the path toward the beach. Dani watches them go and sulks back inside. 

Aiku turns to him worriedly as he passes her without looking in her direction. "...Dani?"

Dani begins to stir a pot of food on the stove with a wooden spoon. "Yeah?"

Aiku hesitates shyly. "Were you going to play with your friends tonight?"

"Yep. But not anymore." He continues to stir.

Aiku looks down sadly. "You can't because of me again?"

Dani turns to her and places the spoon down. "Well...I guess." 

Aiku begins to tear. "I'm sorry."

Dani notices and walks over to her. He places a hand on her shoulder. "Hey, it's alright, Aiku!" She looks to him. He smiles. "That doesn't mean I don't want to hang out with you!"

Her expression brightens. "Really?"

"Of course! You're my baby sister. You're my favorite company!" He grins. Aiku giggles and smiles. "Let's get some of this delicious food. And then we'll go play, okay?"

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