Lighthouse Empire, Episode 5

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A Terrifying Truth is Unmasked! Family and Friends to the Rescue! 

After a long night of loneliness had passed, morning comes once again to Plum Island. Unlike most days, this day is cast in gray clouds, which look to bring rain or tropical storms. Little raindrops begin to form on the windows of Dani's small home, as he sits at the kitchen table finishing a late breakfast. 

Faye walks into the room and places a long jacket over her thin frame, then makes her way to the front door. "Alright, Dani, I'm off to get Aiku. I'm not sure why the doctors haven't called yet, but I'm sure she's ready by now." 

Dani turns to her, a piece of bacon hanging from his mouth. "Okay, mom. I'll be here."

She smiles to him and walks out the door.

After a brief stroll down the forested path to the medical facility, she makes her way inside and comes to the front desk.

"Hello, may I help you?" One of the nurses greets.

Faye smiles at her, brushing rain from her jacket. "Yes, I am here to pick up Aiku. Is she ready yet?"

"Oh, you're Faye--her mother, correct?" 

"Yes, that's right."

"I'm sorry, we haven't had a chance to call you yet. You're daughter isn't at this facility currently."

A spike of sudden shock runs through Faye. "What? I don't understand. Where is she?"

"We were told that the doctors had recommended a transfer."

Faye steps closer to the desk, her anger rising. "They moved my daughter to another facility without my permission--or informing me? Do you have any idea how unacceptable that is?"

The nurse sighs. "Ma'am, I understand. I really do, but you must consider--"

"I don't think you do understand." Faye interrupts, her eyes welling. "How could they do such a thing? How dare you take my child without my knowledge!"

"Ma'am, I know you're upset right now. But please be assured, this is not as uncommon as you may think."

"You better explain yourself clearly." Faye's voice grows severe and threatening. 

The nurse feels her tension and settles herself. "Please understand, we did this for your child's safety. If she had a severe condition or problem, we will often move patients to another facility on the neighboring island of Orotot."

"Is that where she is now?"

"Yes, she's fine, I assure you."

"Don't tell me everything is fine." Faye snaps. "I pray that when you have children, you never find yourself in this position. Your policy is absurd, and as soon as I can file a report, rest assured, I will. Now tell me exactly where she is."

The startled nurse lifts a peice of paper from her desk and examines the details. "It says here she is on a medical boat. It's docked in Orotot harbor, the south end. It will be docked there until tomorrow morning."

"Fine. Call them now, and tell them to hold the ship until I get there."

"Ma'am, I can't--"

Faye slams her hand on the desk. "Do it!" 

The nurse relents and instinctively backs away from her rage. "...Y-y-yes, right away."

Faye storms out of the facility and into the falling rain, stomping through puddles as she makes her way back up the forested path.

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