Lighthouse Empire Arc, Episode 10

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"Luffy Free At Last! The Triumphant Trio Turns the Tides!"

"Aiku, stop!" Tiff calls out desperately, watching as Aiku sprints across the chaos of the docks and into the battle zone.

Lunya jumps to her feet and comes beside Tiff. "Come back, Aiku! Don't do this again!"

Tydal runs up behind them and grabs their shoulders. "Forget it! We can't stop her now."

Lunya and Tiff turn toward him in disbelief. "What do you mean?!" Tiff argues.

"She's on her own path. We can't stop her now."


"There's no time! If we chase after her that arm will destroy everything!"

Lunya and Tiff drop their eyes to the ground, pondering the desperate situation.

"All of us have a job to do right now. And that arm is ours!"

Tiff nods and faces Lunya. "He's right. We can't let our friends down. We have to focus on what's in front of us."

Lunya agrees. "And the faster we disable that arm, the faster we can help Aiku and Sky!"

Tydal smiles. "Exactly!"

Tiff turns and starts running toward the compound. "So what are we waiting around here for?!"

Lunya follows her. "Let's go!"

Tydal staggers for a moment. "W-what--hey, you were the one's waiting around!"

All three jog forward down the docks with all their might, avoiding stray bullets and cannon explosions as they edge ever closer to the base of the complex. Over their heads, the giant arm begins to raise itself into the air once more, it's mechanical hand angrily gripping the sword.

Tiff points up at the arm. "It's coming down again!"

"Not if we get it first!" Lunya exclaims. 

Tydal then notices the sword is already falling through the air. "There's no time--move!" He grabs onto Lunya and Tiff, pulling them sideways abruptly just before the massive sword crashes down beside them.

Pieces of the dock explode into the air as it splinters violently. Tydal, Tiff and Lunya use their abilities to float above the wreckage, avoiding any stray pieces tumbling across the waves. They locate a safe area of the dock and land heavily on the surface, catching their breath.

Tiff stares at the arm, watching it raise out of the sea once more. "Damn! That was close!"

"Too close!" Tydal adds.

Lunya rises to her feet gracefully with a look of confident resolve. "...Like I was saying, now it's our turn to strike!" She crosses both arms in front of her body, then forcefully spreads them outward, as her purple robes fill with furious white winds. Snow and ice swirl around her body. "Tydal, Tiff!" She yells to her friends.

Tydal and Tiff position themselves into battle stances. "Ready when you are, Lunya!" Tiff commands. 

Lunya nods and focuses on the giant arm, her colorful eyes freezing into white gems. "Right! Here we go! SUB-ZERO GAIL!" She calls out.

An extremely powerful gust of white wind blasts from her fingers, cutting through the warm air and shooting toward the arm. As it impacts, the icy energy cascades over the elbow joint, instantly freezing components and halting the arm's movement. 

As soon as the freeze is complete, Tydal and Tiff leap into the air side by side, readying their attacks. Tydal draws his sword and holds it high over his head, pulling blue waves to the tip of his sword. Tiff draws her arm back as it ignites in flame. "BILLION FIST!" She calls out. With a rush of fiery energy, a huge fist cast in flames erupts from her arm, immediately impacting on the elbow. The combination of freezing cold and strong instant heat blasts the elbow joints apart, breaking off the lower arm, and sending the hand and sword falling back into the sea. 

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