Chapter Twenty Three

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As the time on the adventure ends the ticker watch ticks back into place, and puts us back into the same position we were in right before we left. It's bewildering to be back at home all of a sudden. Hendrik takes a few steps away from the rest of us and heads up towards the kitchen, insisting that he has something really important to attend to.

"I also have something I need to attend to." Oliver smiles, disappearing up the staircase. When I turn around to see what Paxton is going to be doing for the rest of the evening, I see him fixated on the window. As I step around him to look outside the window, I can see that underneath the streetlight where our tree sits, there are two crows sitting on the branches. Their squawking at each other reminds me of bickering siblings.

"They're up to something." Paxton simply says.

"Who?" I look a bit closer, but all I can see is one child that seems to be standing across the street from us. I don't know what he's doing here so late at night, but the fact that he is standing outside without any shoes on is a little bit too weird. Where are his parents? "Is there someone out there with that kid?" I ask. Pax whips his head around and stares straight at me.

"You can see him?" He questions. "I'm so sorry, I had no idea how did it happen?" I blink a few times, trying to understand what he's talking about, so I just shrug my shoulders at him. "When did you die?" My eyebrow raises at his unusual question.

"I don't know how to tell you this, Paxton, but I'm standing right in front of you. I am not dead." Seth overhearing our conversation steps towards us.

"Seth, can you see that kid across the road?" As my cousin looks and looks, he shakes his head.

"Unless he's doing a really good job at hiding, then no, sorry, I can't see him." He says.

"Exactly. Because only people that have died can see Death." My face is expression must indicate that I am still just as clueless. "The kid that you see there across the road is Death. If you've ever died, you'll be able to see him. I died a little over a year ago. The fact that you can see him means you've died too."

"This is ridiculous. Just because you think I've died doesn't mean anything. You forget that we have Reyes, who is a medium and can see ghosts. I am currently using people's powers, even though I'm not quite aware that I am." I cross my arms, adamant about my statement.

"I don't think Reyes can see him." With a very deep and frustrated breath, I turned towards the staircase and shout.

"Reyes! I need you! Please come down!" Pax crosses his arms and waits for the medium to come down the stairs. My favorite goth sometimes looks a little bit strange to me when he hasn't put his eyeliner on, but he comes down to my aid, nonetheless. "Settle a debate for us? There is a kid across the road that is standing there without any shoes on. You can see him, right?" Once again, another member of my group looks towards the window and sees nothing. instead, shrugs his shoulders. "This is stupid." My frustration must have been heard throughout the House because more and more of my demons are coming down the stairs wondering what the commotion is.

"It's not stupid. You can see Death. The fact is he was here two days ago and you did not see him then." I can feel my heart rate elevating and I know that it's ringing in my ears. If I can hear my heartbeat, then I'm not dead. Nolan and Oliver both come to my side with a very serious look in their faces.

"Amelia," Nolan begins, ", what happened when you fell off the building?"

"I don't remember." I admit. "But I can't be dead. I'm still here."

"I didn't say you are dead." Paxton interjects. "I'm just saying you died. Death is very adamant that only the people that have died can see him."

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