Chapter Fourteen

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It's been a hell of a day trying to catch up on all of my classes and lectures that I've missed. Thankfully, the odd person or two has been extremely helpful catching some notes that I wasn't able to get and pass them on to me. It's great when people are a bit more proactive. As I say in the cafeteria, I realize nobody is going to be available for another 15 minutes. I suppose I'll wait here for Seth. Many of the boys stayed home today because of what happened yesterday. I can't blame them. It's a lot to go through. Even though most of them aren't killers and haven't had the necessity to kill anyone, it does seem like Mr. Pierce put them through a lot. Truthfully, though, I'm just glad nobody actually lied to me on purpose. Well, technically Oliver did lie to me, but I also can't blame him for the reason as to why. I would have had to have kept the secret as well.

"Mind if I sit with you?" Kyle's voice comes out from nowhere and causes me to have a little bit of a jump scare.

"Oh yes, of course. Go for it." He sits down in front of me and takes the tray with his food and starts to eat.

"So, it's been a while since we really caught up. How's life been?"

"It's been interesting, to say the least. Moving here was definitely a big step. I really didn't expect all the responsibilities that came with it."

"What do you mean?"

"I'll just being the head of the group has a lot of responsibilities all by itself, but I also need to have a job while I'm here, so I've got some money to spend or to buy food. I don't have a car yet, but I'm thinking of getting one."

"Well, aren't you just gonna move back home once you're done with college? Your dad got you a car for your 16th, didn't he?"

"Wow, good memory. He did. It's a bit fancy for around here. And I don't know, I'm kind of thinking of staying. I've got a bit of a life I've built for myself. I'm also close with the family that are from my original birth parents. I hate to leave them." I smile as I pick up the apple on my tray and say something that I shouldn't. A professor that I know works here but isn't in one of my lectures is choking on an apple. But it's okay because he eventually spits it out. Why did I just see that?

"Are you feeling alright? You don't look so good."

"Sorry, yeah, probably just a little tired."

"Do you want my water? I've got another one." He holds out the closed and sealed bottle of water that was on his tray out towards me. Politely, I reach out to accept it, but as my fingertips touch the edge of the bottle, I see something. Once again, that doesn't look quite right. I can't breathe. It feels like I'm somewhere where I can't take in air. I'm under the water again and I can see Seth down below. Only this time, amongst the water, I don't just see him, I see Kane as well. As I blink a few times and say Kyle sitting before me, I let go of the bottle.

"Sorry I have to go." I stand out from the desk and only take my bag. Not even bothering with the food I left behind. I need to get some fresh air.

As I sat down on one of the outside benches underneath a tree, I try and take in as much air as I possibly can. Was that a vision of the future? All I could say was Seth really deep underwater and Kane there with him. Surely if Seth can see the future he would know that if Kane was going to kill them, that's what would happen. Are they just getting too close? No, I can't really think like that. Kane seems almost completely protective over Seth. I don't see how he would ever consider drowning him. I know it's in his DNA to do it and he can't really help it. I look up the sky and can and feel the impending storm that's on the way. Even though it was hot only a couple of days ago, I have a feeling it triggered what was going to be something close to a hurricane coming.

"You know, eventually a forehead's gonna stay that way." Paxton's reassuring voice pulls me from my depressing thoughts.

"Hi, I didn't see you there." I smile as he sits down next to me.

"You seem to be really dazed out these days. Is there something on your mind?"

"Yes, but it seems crazy to think about."

"People say crazy things all the time. That's what makes life interesting."

"I'm glad you're here, Pax. I mean with all of us, not just here right now."

"Me too."

"Paxton?" The twin unison voices make a shiver roll up my spine. As I look in the other direction, I can see they're both gawking at the fact that he's sitting right beside me.

"How long have you been coming to this college?" One of either Amanda or Bec says. I'm still not really sure how to tell the difference between them.

"Nice to see you both as well. It's been about a month or so." The twins seem a little bit uncomfortable with him being here.

"We had no idea. So, are you and Amelia friends?"

"Yes, we are. Are you guys?" Instead of responding, they just scoff. "Come on, that's not really nice."

"Why should we care?" The other twin says.

"Suffice it for me to say, but in our world, I don't exactly want to go messing with her kind." When he says her, he refers to me and nods his head in my direction. I do not know what's going on here, but something feels a little bit odd.

"Is she anything like us?"

"Way scarier." The twins faces drop as if they just got hit with some really bad news.

"Fine, we'll be nice."

"Good. Come on, Amelia, we should probably head home. You've got work this evening."

"Wait, wait, wait. You guys live together. Like in that same house full of freaks?"

"That's right. Just one of the freaks."

"Stupid question, but are you all like us?" Their faces drop as Pax nods. "So, what's Oliver?"

"Vampire." As if trying to avoid a punch, they both step backwards.

"You can keep your lead. I don't want it." The one who I'm quite sure now is Amanda says to me. "I don't need to go anywhere near that disaster." They both turned in a hurry and leave.

"Shifters come in a lot of different varieties, but crazy is not supposed to be one of them." Paxton smiles as he turns to gestures for us to leave. Did he just suggest that the twins are shifters? Where was that piece of information months ago?

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