Chapter Eight

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Despite how excited Seth was for me, that I was able to communicate with Oliver, and that I was able to use Hugh's abilities, he still was rather concerned. When we had gotten in the car, he had already texted in our group chat for everyone to meet for dinner. When I arrive at the House, Nolan and Oliver are on the front porch waiting for us. Somehow, I feel like I'm in trouble.

"Is everything okay?" Are the first words to leave Oliver's mouth as he comes towards us and opens the car door for me.

"Just as my text said, not an emergency." Seth responds, closing his car door. "But I do think we need to all have a really strong conversation." Nolan attempts to give me a reassuring smile as we all turn around and head back towards the house. As I enter, I can hear a room full of chatter. It took us an awfully long time to find an extended dining table that would fit 16 people. Though there's only fifteen of us, we still like to open a chair up for Ivan, even though he is a ghost. Pax isn't here, although I suppose it's a good opportunity to have a conversation without him.

"So, what's this all about?" Hunter questions, his voice settling everyone else around us. When I first arrived it would be Nolan that sat at the head of the table, but since I became their ringleader, it's always me that sits at the beginning.

"A couple of things." Seth begins as he sits in his usual seat right next to Kane. They share a quick look that I'm not sure too many of the boys catch. "Amelia and I skipped our classes today in order to practice some of her communication skills through her mental capabilities. With that being said, if you start hearing her voice, don't be alarmed. It's just her practicing being able to communicate with you when she's not around you."

"Some forewarning next time would be greatly appreciated." Oliver snickers.

"As funny as it would be otherwise, there was no choice in the matter. I believe Amelia is accumulating her powers quickly. Where assuming is because she's close with all of us. And since she's already starting to use our powers, I feel it's only necessary that she spends time with each of us in order for us to explain how our powers work."

Reyes leans forward and addresses us. "What do you mean she's already accessing our powers? It's only been a few months. Surely she's got a long way to go. Are you sure it isn't something she's already capable of?"

"Amelia got into a bit of a spat today." Seth begins turning towards me. I assume he is asking some kind of permission for me to go ahead and tell them what happened. I give him a polite nod, and he continues. "When Amanda and Bec approached her today, Amelia defended herself and their response was to hit her." It was barely a moment, but the entire table became suddenly very uncomfortable. It feels really nice to know that everyone cares about me so much. "The surprising twist was that Amanda was the one that got hurt. Amelia said in that moment she couldn't move. However, her skin felt hard as a rock. And of course when Amanda slapped her, she had a reaction quite like she was slapping a wall."

"Do you think she hardened?" Hugh questions, looking at me almost with pity.

"I'm almost sure of it."

"Peculiar." Nolan adds. "As great as it is that Amelia wasn't hurt from the confrontation, it still is a little concerning that she's able to progress this quickly. Technically, she isn't an Angel or a Fallen, she just simply has the heritage of one. If I'm being completely honest, I didn't expect Amelia to ever be able to use our abilities. A human being able to possess our techniques is very scary. I mean for her, not for us."

"What do you mean?" I ask.

"The body of an angel or a demon is made to withstand our abilities, our changes, and our configurations. You're human, Amelia. What happens if you accidentally channel me and become a werewolf? Your body wouldn't be able to handle it. If you channel the twins, you might change into a cat, and although you might think that's cool, it will likely break out every single one of your bones. Technically, you shouldn't be able to bounce back from that. A shifter or an Angel with the ability to become a shifter, is able. We don't have enough information about this. We shouldn't have put you in harm's way like this."

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