The New Guy

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"Hey, he should be arriving soon." Nolan says to me.

"No worries. The triplets are going out to an event tonight, I'm going to send Hugh and Echo with them to make sure they don't get up to any mischief." I respond, checking my phone which has turned into more of a portable calendar for everyone in the house. As Oliver and Kane are assisting Valentine with moving his boxes into the house, I watch to make sure they don't accidentally scratch the white tiled floor. Valentine is the last one to move his stuff over, with the exception of our new arrival.

"Okay good." He nods. As the others pass us going up the grand staircase, Oliver stops next to us and places the box down in front of him.

"How are you doing?"

"Still fine." Oliver answers Nolan.

"Are you sure?" I ask.

"Yeah, I'm still a little bewildered myself but I'm honestly not hungry."

"Just take it easy. Seth said my blood might only help for about three to four weeks at a time. We're reaching three weeks."

"Seriously I'm fine. Look at my eyes, still brown."

"I kind of miss seeing the green."

"You said they still go green when we-"

"Whoa stop." Nolan butts in, "I don't need to know this." We laugh as there is a knock on the door. Oliver comes over to me and wraps an arm around my waist, giving me a kiss on the neck before bending back down to pick up the box and follow the other's upstairs. Hendrik trades places with him, I think coming from the kitchen. As Nolan opens the front door, there is a new face behind it. A blond with blue eyes, quite a looker. I hear Hendrik intake air sharply as the stranger comes inside.

"Hi, am I in the right place?"

"If you mean Alpha Kappa Psi then yes." Nolan smiles, shaking his hand. He then proceeds to close the door as the man pulls his luggage inside. "I'm Nolan, werewolf. This is Hendrik, he's a shifter but not the same kind as you," Hendrik almost trips leaning forward while shaking his hand. I think he has an instant crush, how cute. ", and this is the household head, Amelia, she's..." I can see that Nolan is struggling to think if he should introduce me as a human, half-Fallen or something else, so I lean forward to shake his hand and complete the introduction myself.

"I'm confusing. We're still working on it." The stranger chuckles and responds,

"It's nice to meet you, I'm Paxton, wolf-shifter, but my friends just call me Pax."

To be continued...

Queen of Beasts: The Fallen Book OneWhere stories live. Discover now