Magic and the Mind

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Even though the paycheque wasn't very big for only two shifts, I ended up getting everyone some pizza on the way home. I felt really grateful for them letting me stay with them for this past week and hopefully they will let me stay with them a little bit longer until I can finally find a place to live. As I arrive, I can tell some people were already anxiously awaiting for me to bring back this pizza. Apparently, Seth told him I made a decision, and once a decision is made, a psychic should be able to tell exactly what will happen from then on out – and he saw everyone eating pizza tonight. As the pizza hits the table, some of the guys are already calling for their favorite pieces. I look around the table and notice there's a few faces still missing.

"Where is Kane?" I question. Seth, who is nearby me, responds;

"He's in the pool. He'll come out when he's ready."

"In the pool? It's really cold out."

"As long as the pool isn't ice cold, then he's perfectly in his element. But I do warn you never go outside when he is out there in the pool. He will drag you under, he can't help it. Even if you're at the back door and he's in the pool, he'll still find a way to drag you under."

"I've been given the Kane and water warning. I will do my best to avoid it at all costs." I smile at Seth. I do love that he is trying his best to warn me about things. I wonder how much about my future he knows. I thought occurs to me if he does know my future, that should mean that he knows about my past as well, right? He looks at me with a smirk on his face. "What do you know what I'm thinking now too?"

"Sort of."

"Amelia," Nolan catches my attention, ", don't play mind games with a psychic. You'll never make it out alive."

"Don't pay attention to him, Amelia, he's just salty because he can't beat me at chess."

"You cheat."

"How is knowing what you're gonna do next, cheating?"

"Can you just turn it off for one game?"

"It doesn't work like that, dude."

"Okay, well you have to answer us at least one thing then."

"I told you I can't just tell you the future."

"Sure, well, then don't, but can you at least suggest something?" Seth stops seating completely and turns towards where Nolan is sitting. "Do you know the reason none of our abilities work on Amelia?" Rather than answering, he turns back to his food and takes a long drink before eating again. "You're a dick." I smile, but I'm starting to get a little bit concerned myself.

"Exactly how many of you have tried using your abilities on me? Without me knowing?"

"For those of us who have abilities to be used on you?" Valentine speaks, "All of us." My mouth drops open almost in a playful version of disgust.

"I feel violated." I comment, but it's just met with laughter around the table. "But I really don't understand it. If your abilities work on other people, why aren't they working on me?"

"Ask the psychic who won't answer you."

Seth throws his hands up in the air, "I can't just tell you the future. You'll behave differently, and then it won't happen."

"You intervene with the future all the time."

"There are small changes that you can make to the future, granted, but telling you guys that Amelia was bringing pizza over is very different to telling you why your powers don't work on her." Valentine might not be giving up anytime soon, but I certainly am. That's when I hear something. Everyone else around the table starts to hear it too and decides to start being quiet. Is that a piano? I recall that Oliver does have a baby grand up in his room, but I haven't heard in play it since I've been here.

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