Ant Family and a Giant Chikoo

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He raised his antenna in the air and sniffed. The smell of half ripe chikoo hung in the air like the sweetest perfume.

His mother raised her antenna to touch his. 

"Ready?" she asked.

It was Baby Ant's first day of going out scouring for food since he moulted into his new shiny black young body from the wriggly little thing he was.

"Ready," he replied, looking around for the juiciest chikoo. Through the cover of the trees, something large appeared in his sight. It was easily one of the largest fruits he had ever seen, with a hint of light red spreading over the shiny coat of deep honey.

"I'm going to grab the largest chikoo," he announced to his family, pointing to the fruit glistening in the sun. It looked delicious.

"Where?"—Mother Ant looked around—"Wait!"

But it was too late. Baby Ant had made the leap and landed straight on the big fruit. He extended his feelers to taste. Salty! "It's supposed to be sweet, " he thought.

The blow came before he could anticipate it and a big force flung him into the air. Thankfully the fall was broken by a blade of grass he landed on.

Poor Baby Ant wondered what went wrong with the giant chikoo.

"There are ants here!" The chubby, sweaty human commented to his friend, flicking off the ant from his cheek, wielding the stick over another fruit which dropped limply into the basket.


"Believe in your own way of looking at things. Your perspective is beautiful, just like everyone else's."

Short Little Shorties 3Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ