"не нервничайте, будьте рядом!" polina responds.
( don't be nervous, we'll be there for you!)

we all continue talking until our parents tell us its time to go.

my mom and i walk to the train station, and head home.
we get back to the apartment at 19.00pm ( 7.00pm).
once we get home, mom runs me a bath with salts, to help my muscles.
today was a sunday, which means tomorrow, monday, is my day off.

i get into the bath, and relax.
after about 30 minutes, i get out, and go into the kitchen where my mom is usually cooking. tonight she cooked chicken with steamed vegetables, and milk, to keep my muscles super strong.
during dinner, we talked about program ideas, and dress colors, and everything figure skating. after we finished dinner, my mom gave me her phone so i could call my dad. my parents won't let me get my own phone because i'm " too young", but i have an ipad!

i told my dad the good news, and he was very excited for me! he told me about how he plans on coming down next month and spending two weeks with mom and i in russia! i really missed him, and he missed me.
we talked for around 30 minutes, but when it's night in russia, it's day in the us, so he had to get back to work.
my mom and i said goodnight, and told him we loved him, and hung up.
it was now 21.00pm (9pm), 30 minutes past my bed time.
i went to my room and put my pjs on, and grabbed my stuffed animal.
i then brushed my teeth and went to bed.

the next morning, mom woke me up at 7.00 am for school. because i train 6 days a week, i can only do school 3 days out of the week. on monday's, i go to school and also on wednesday and friday. on wednesday and friday, we all get a break of two hours at the rink, and have in person lessons with our tutors. after the lesson is over, we go back on the ice.
the school i go to is very close, being only a 5 minute train ride, and 4 minute walk after.
in russian schools you must dress presentable, or dress in a uniform. on monday's, i normally wear a dress that my mom picked out, and other accessories with it.

mom made me a quick egg breakfast, while i grabbed all of my stuff, and we ran out the door together.

we hop on the metro, and get to my school in 9 minutes.

my lesson starts at 8.00am, sharp. we got to the school at 7.56am, so we had to run.

my lessons are from 8.00am-18.00pm(6.00pm).

today we worked on math, writing, geography, and science.

time jump: tuesday, june 2nd, 2016

this morning we got to sambo-70 at 7.30 am. from 7.30-7.50am i warm up off ice. mom makes me pratice my triples, and my triple axel.

once it hits 7.50, i go to the changing room and get my skates on with the rest of the girls.

sasha and i walk into the rink together holding our teddys, and water.

we get on the ice, and start to do the warm up with the rest of the girls. we finish 30 minutes later, and moved onto jumps. before i could start, i heard gleik call my name and then i skated over to the boards where the coaches sit.

" доброе утро, настя. мы хотим начать работать над новыми программами для вас. Мы подобрали музыку, и вы можете помочь с костюмами." gleik says.
( good morning, nastia. we want to start working on new programs for you. We've picked up the music and you can help with the costumes)

" для вас короткая программа, которую мы выбрали, «Колыбельная из лабиринта Фавна», а для вас длинная, "el tango de roxanne". Знаете ли вы какие-либо песни?" dudakov says.
(  for you, the short program we have chosen, " Pan's Labyrinth lullaby", and for you, the long one, "El Tango de Roxanne". do you know either songs?)

" нет" i respond.
( no.)

" Что ж, мы думаем, что вы им очень подойдете!" dudakov responds.
( well, we think you'll suit them very well!)

first they play my short music,

1.05-2.45seconds ( 2 minutes 50 seconds)


then my long program music,

0.21-2.26 skip to 3.07-4.32 (3 minutes 30 seconds)


"Как ты думаешь?" eteri asks.
( what do you think?)

"Они мне очень нравятся!" i respond.
( i really like them!)

" хороший! сегодня мы приступим к постановке короткометражки." gleik says.
(good! today we will start choreographing the short.)

i follow gleik to the middle, where eteri plays the music. he gets a feel of where everything should go.


by the end of practice 17.00pm (5.00pm), we had gotten through most of the program, but still had a little left.

" хорошая работа сегодня. что ж, закончите его завтра и начните долго после этого." gleik says.
( good job today. well, finish it tomorrow and start long after that.)
i meet up with sasha while walking to the rink to change.

" это была твоя музыка, настя?" sasha asks.
( is that your music, nastia?)

" Да!" i repsond.
( yes)

" Обожаю песни!" sasha says.
( i love it!)

" и я тоже! получаете ли вы новые программы на этот сезон?" i ask.
( me too! are you getting new programs for this season?)

" нет, я хочу!" sasha responds.
( no, i wish!)

we walk into the  changing room, and talk with all the girls.


next chapter will be anastasia's first junior grand prix, as well as sasha's!

i hope you enjoyed!

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