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time jump- may 31st, 2012

today is my last day training with team tutberidze . in the last month, my triple jumps have become 100 times better, and the same with my double axel. we also started to work on triple axels on the harness. i haven't been able to land any on the fishing pole, but i will keep trying.

we ran our long and short programs the entire practice, which is exhausting.
at the end, everyone was practically falling asleep on the ice.

once it hit 17.00pm (5.00pm) i was very sad, because i knew i most likely wouldn't be coming back.
at the end of practice, i thank all the coaches and give them all flowers and a card. i was so grateful to be there and have such an experience.
i walked back to the locker room with tears in my eyes.
there was no one in there, which was confusing cause practice ended only 5 minutes ago.
once i got to my cubby i notice balloons, tissue boxes, a sign, flowers and cards.
the sign reads:
" поздравляем анастасию!"
( congrats anastasia!)
i pick up the card and start to read it,
my mom walks in halfway through reading the card to see if i was okay.
" nastya? are you okay?" she asks.
i continue reading it, not stoping to respond to her question.

once i was done reading, i handed it over to my mom for her to read it.

" Уважаемая Анастасия Панкова, Этери Тутберидзе, Даниил Глейхенгауз, Сергей Дудаков и Российская Федерация Фигурного Катания приняли во внимание ваши последние тренировки и прогресс бы предложить вам, Анастасия Панкова, место в команде Тутберидзе на следующие годы, с 2012 по 2016, а затем на сезон 2017-2018. Федерация также хотела бы оплатить Ваши расходы на тренировки и соревнования во время Вашего пребывания в команде Тутберидзе. Поздравляем. Желаем только самого лучшего,
С уважением,
Этери Тутберидзе,
Даниил Глейхенгауз,
Сергей Дудаков,
Федерация фигурного катания на коньках России"

( Dear Anastasia Pankova, Eteri Tutberidze, Daniil Gleikhengauz, Sergei Dudakov and the Russian Figure Skating Federation have taken your recent training and progress into consideration and would like to offer you, Anastasia Pankova, a place on Team Tutberidze for the following years, from 2012 to 2016 and then for the 2017-2018 season. The Federation would also like to pay your training and competition expenses during your time with Team Tutberidze. Congratulations. We wish only the best for you,

Eteri Tutberidze
Daniil Gleikhengauz
Sergei Dudakov
The Russian Figure Skating Federation)

" good job sweetie! this is so exciting!" my mom says, and gives me a big hug.

i grab the letter, and my mom grabs the flowers. we open the door, to leave the changing room, and see the girls standing outside the door.

" молодец! мы так рады за вас!" yulia says.
( good job! we are so happy for you!)

i thank all of them, and give them hugs.

" вы счастливы остаться?" polina asks.
( are you happy to stay)

"да, просто немного нервничаю." i respond.
( yes, just a little nervous)

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