"What's that?!" Fatgum turned around, and we see the flames raging even more.

"That's..." Tokoyami's eyes widened as he saw the raging flames, remembering his conversation with Hawks. "Don't tell me..."

"Tokoyami, please don't tell me you're going to do what I think you're going to do," Hawks said, his voice filled with resignation.

"But Hawks, I can't simply ignore the possibility of you being in danger," Tokoyami responded, disregarding the piercing gaze of Aizawa fixed upon him.

"Kid, first of all, you don't even know if I'm trapped in that fire or not, and secondly, don't you share the same weakness to fire as me? How do you plan to handle that?" Hawks pointed out, causing Tokoyami to fall silent. Hawks let out a sigh at his reaction and continued, "Let's just hope that if you do intend to come to my rescue, you bring backup along with you."

The scene changes once again, and now we find ourselves with Hawks and Dabi on the top floor of the Villa.

"You killed him... I can't believe you killed him..." Dabi said as we see Twice's blood spilled on the floor, accompanied by Toga's handkerchief nearby. "And you call yourself a hero. How could you?!" Dabi launched another attack at Hawks, engulfing him in flames.

"Yeah, as if this guy who released a High-End Nomu in a city full of innocent civilians has any right to question Hawks," Mirko scoffed, her voice oozing with disdain. Meanwhile, Hawks shifted uncomfortably in his seat, fully aware that he was the one responsible for orchestrating that attack. He knew that at that moment, besides Endeavor, nobody else possessed the ability to handle that creature.

Hawks managed to escape the fire and rolled on the ground. 'The flames are getting hotter fast!' he thought, wincing in pain as he attempted to extinguish the flames on his wings.

Hawks grimaced as he witnessed the impact of Dabi's flames on his wings. In his mind, he thought, 'I hope the damage doesn't extend as deep as the roots.'

"How could you...?" Dabi advanced towards the Hawks and slammed his foot against the Hawks' ribs. "I can't believe you killed Twice!" Flames erupted from Dabi's foot. In the background, we observed the lifeless body of Twice lying face down on the ground, surrounded by a pool of his own blood.

"Is that... the face of someone whose friend was just killed?!" Hawks questioned Dabi, who wore a wide grin on his face.

"He... is he smiling?" Iida asked, his eyes filled with shock. "How can he smile like that, knowing that his comrade just died right in front of his eyes?"

"I believe it's best not to let Dabi's behavior affect you, 'ribbit'," Asui remarked. "It's quite evident to all of us that he is truly a madman."

"Don't say that! It's mean! My tear glands were burned, so I can't cry!" Dabi retorted. "If Twice were here... With his Quirk, my dream would've had a better chance of coming true!" Dabi's flames grew more intense. "I'm really sad!"

'Of course, he has his own selfish reasons for being concerned about his fallen comrade,' Endeavor scoffed, the thought crossing his mind. Then, his focus shifted to Dabi's words, and he couldn't help but wonder if his dream was somehow connected to him.

"The League..." Hawks managed to say through the pain caused by Dabi's flames. "I looked up your personal histories. But you and Shigaraki! I couldn't find out anything about you two!" Hawks recalled the moment when Dabi had addressed him by his real name. 'How does he know my name?' he wondered.

'Dabi, what are you? I understand that Shigaraki had All for One watching over him, but you...' Hawks thought to himself. Then, suddenly, a thought crossed his mind. 'Is he a legacy villain? There hasn't been a prominent flame villain in the past couple of years, but it's still worth a shot to explore that possibility.'

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