She hugged me tight and kissed my head.

"How has our little angel been hmm? " she asked as mommy and daddy came inside.

"GREAT! Daddy got a sloth. " I said and pointed at the head that was sticking out my backpack daddy was holding.

Grandma looked at it and spoke. "Wowww, Ev that is so cool you know I never had a sloth plushie. " she said and bounced me.

"Well uhmm, we can share if you want to grandma. " grandma giggled and brushed some hair away.

"Everyone's already in the living room. " she told mommy and daddy and we walked in.

"You got sause all over your mouth. " mommy said and wiped it all away.

In the corner of my eye I saw daddy add alittle of everything onto mommys plate.

Mommy was eating little so to make her at least eat a decent amount I guess he was doing that.

When mommy finally turned back in front and noticed the increased amount of food on her plate she sighed and looked at daddy.

I looked at the whole table and everyone was in their own world especially auntie Ashley and Alissa.

Alissa was being naughty and not eating.

I put a piece of chicken in my mouth and turned back to mommy and daddy.

"I don't feel like eating this much Robbie. " she whispered as she looked at her plate.

"You only ate what like 2 spoons of rice babe come on please. "

They continued on and everyone was starting to pay attention to them.

They didn't notice though but I did and poked mommy. She sighed and turned to me with a smile.

"What's wrong baby? "

"Mommy, if you eat we can make cookies. But if you don't I won't cuddle with you for a whole week. " I said but regretted saying a whole week.

I heard afew laughs and giggles.

"At least half mommy please... " I said and mommy looked at her plate then at daddy.

"Half." He mumbled.

Mommy looked at her plate again and sighed before nodding.

Daddy leaned back and so did I.

He reached his hand out and I high fived him with a smile.

"You two go upstairs and play while we all talk okay. " Mommy told me and Alissa. Alissa shrugged and went upstairs while I ran to get my bag before going up.

When I went inside the room she was on the bed playing with a barbie.

I on the other hand went to the corner of the room and took mister Sloth out and 2 tea cups.

I also had a small magazine and opened it and made it look like mister Sloth was looking inside it.

I was in my own world until I heard Alissa walk over.

"Is that a Sloth? " she asked looking at mister sloth.

I nodded.

"Can I have it? " she asked me.

"No, daddy got him for me. " I said and took mister Sloth into my arms.

"But I want one. " she said with a frown.

"Well uhm, you can play with him but give him back. He can't be yours... "

"But I want it. " she said and yanked him out my arms.

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