Darius arrived at his first destination. The transport parked right outside a large building with a sign that said,
'Mando Fitness Center.' Darius always came here to workout. Not only that but it's one of the places that helps him to vent out his frustrations.

'Like having the same dream over and over again. Or Memory, because technically it is a memory but Darius refused to call that. Even though it's true.'

(Hope by: NF| Start song between 3:24 and -1:00)

He always made sure he was fit and ready for work. His hours at the factory are long and rough, which is why he always came to the gym first. To be prepared. Strong enough to keep working without getting tried.

Inside (M.F.C), Darius always did his daily workout routine starting with.....
*push ups
*pull ups
*mountain climbers
*ab crunches
*and using the punching bag.

This time he felt like starting with the punching bag first. Considering how he was feeling.

He first started out slow, then his punches became more aggressive. After five minutes he REALLY started getting into it. Punch after punch after punch, Darius let everything out into the punching bag.

The funny part was he had no idea how much he was putting into punching the bag.

He finally let out a final blow to the bag.

The impact was so loud it echoed throughout the gym. Darius took a moment to breath. Then he noticed while looking around that most of the people there were looking at him.

Some with amazement and others with concern.

He didn't mean to draw their attention towards him he just needed to get some steam out. Even though they were looking at him, he really didn't care.

He finally took a break and sat at a bench next to the large glass windows. Everyone else just went back into their workout routines.

Darius took out a water bottle and started drinking to cool himself off.

He then took a good look around the gym. There were like ten to fifteen people at most throughout the whole room. Some were doing pull ups, some were jogging, and others were lifting heavy weights.

The majority of attendees in the gym were human, the rest were a few, Twi'leks, and two Bothans. No one new. Darius always saw the same people every time he'd come here.

"Welcome to Galaxy News! Here's your host Sky Elaina......"

To the top right corner Darius spots a holo screen broadcasting one of the news station. Sky Elaina, 'the anchor women,' shows up on the screen.

"Hello citizens of the Republic I'm Sky Elaina and welcome to Galaxy News! Many citizens are asking the same question wondering, 'when will prices start to decrease?"

( Darius POV )

It was pretty much the same stuff she always reported to the world. Prices increasing, pirates raiding shipments in the mid rim, riots breaking out, etc.

Everything she reported on was nothing new to me. I believe this is the third time she's mentioned these situations. 'Looks like the writers screwed up the script,' I thought to myself.

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