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     Merlin stands before the big doors of the staff lounge, he's been here a million times now. He's thought this through for weeks now, and still it hasn't gotten any easier for him. The thought of seeing Arthur again had made him giddy and all excited in his stomach and his heart wouldn't stop beating rapidly in his chest.

     He's been so nervous about this too, mostly because he hasn't seen the prat in centuries. What if he doesn't remember him and doesn't like him to hang around with. He knows he will be a senior and Arthur a first year but he knows that the prat won't make anything easy for him at all.

     He shakes his head, unsure if he is ready to see the king once more or if he should just seek out Cornelius Sigan now and see if he can put an end to it but he's learned that running head first in things like that had never worked out in his favour and therefore he has to think carefully of a plan to defeat him, find weaknesses and things like that to take him out.

     It wouldn't matter, he could never stop a mad sorcerer like that, the man is too powerful for him to stop. He had only managed to do it before only because he didn't have to physically fight him, all he had to do was let his soul enter his and push him back into the stone before he had full control over him.

     How can they think that he could save them, he had failed at protecting King Arthur so many centuries ago. What makes them think that he will succeed now? He can't do this, he couldn't protect anyone of his friends before what makes them think that he could possibly protect the entire wizarding world of such a lunatic.

     He shakes his head to rid himself of his anxiety, it would do him no good to stress about all the things he had done wrong in his life or to doubt his abilities now, a mad sorcerer is on the loose and wanting to kill Arthur.

     He takes a deep breath before he twists the door handle, opening the door with more strength then he had used to do when he was still here, even then the door was as stiff as it could. He lets his eyes flash gold for a moment to close the door with magic, he can see the professors all standing around the table.

     Merlin knows each and one of them, he's met them all since most of the time it would be Minerva or Albus to tell him who the new staff is. Lots of letters are always from many of them to ask how he fairs and to keep him updated on the school and the latest gossip.

     They all turn around at the sound of the door slotting back in the lock. "Merlin!" Poppy Pomfrey cries out in delight before rushing over and around the table to wrap her arms around him, the nurse of the hospital wing had always admired him and always wrote many letters upon student injuries, asking for his knowledge on healing.

     Since healing had been one of his worst magical aspects since he came to Camelot. He had dove into that only a couple of years after the fall of Camelot, he couldn't protect any of his friends from another war that Camelot lost since he was on the battlefield and not back in the camp with the last remaining friends he had. They took Gaius, Leon, Elyan and Gwen from him.

A Hogwarts adventure - Merlin.Where stories live. Discover now