one sided love⛔2..jinkook

978 35 6

No one hear seokjin's pleads...and jikook's  marriage took place. Jimin's parents told him --if he didn't get marry , then their house door will be closed for him.. Jimin didn't have any place to go so he agree to marry jk.

Seokjin couldn't hold back Himself and went to his room and cut his wrist..he didn't want to live...jk's sister Lisa came to jin's room and found him lying on the floor.. And bloods everywhere... On the other hand jimin told jk that-- he didn't want to stay in the same room with him so he was sitting on his garden.. Lisa came running to him and inform him about jin's conditions. They took jin hospital and tae & lisa stayed with jin till morning. When they came back, jk's mom standing there--

"Where did you all go?"

"Jin's wrist cut accidentally so we went to hospital " lisa said..

"Is that cut so deep that jin had to go to hospital!! You could tell me don't have to disturb your brother on his wedding day...and jk.. How can you leave jimin alone in his room!!" mom said...

"Jimin has no problem with it..." jk said and left...

Jimin was wondering in the new house...when he met jin..

"So how was your wedding night?" jin asked jimin..

"Good,very good...!"

"Ow...he was with me the whole night... So who was with you in your wedding night? "

"I was with me....i don't want anyone... By the way...your plan got successful... But by doing it you could only hold back tae for few look...jk is with me in our room...!"

(JINKOOK+TAEJIN)❤️ 2nd BookWhere stories live. Discover now