Chapter 10

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Michelle's stomach did an uncomfortable lurch as she looked at her positive pregnancy test. She couldn't imagine how their parents would react. Her dad didn't like Henry as it is and she shuddered to think about how he would blow up. She didn't even know how Henry would react. Michelle had dreamed of a future having children with Henry, but not at seventeen or eighteen. There was the option to abort but she didn't want to. She just hoped Henry and their parents would support her decision. But first, she would need to get a scan to confirm it. These pregnancy tests could be wrong. She hoped the test was wrong, but yet a part of her was hoping it wasn't.

She would have to tell Henry first and they could decide together how to break the news to their parents.


Sam entered his kitchen to find his dad there.

He looked around to ensure no one else was there. "Hey dad. Where are mom and Isabella?"

"They went last minute shopping for the Archibald Birthday party," said Andrew.

This was the perfect opportunity. It was just the two of them.

He took a deep breath and took a seat across from his dad on the kitchen counter before beginning. "Dad, can I talk to you about something?"

"Sure son"

Sam gave his dad a brief explanation of everything that went on between him, Caitlin and Sydney. "And now I'm confused," he finished.

"Sam, are you confused about how you feel about Caitlin and Sydney? Or are you confused about Caitlin's feelings for you?" asked Andrew.

Sam pondered on this before answering "I guess it's her feelings for me. I know I love Caitlin. I don't have feelings for Sydney. But yet I felt a brief moment of temptation the other day. And I feel ashamed." His voice drowned out as he looked down.

"Sam, being tempted is human. What matters is you did the right thing in the end".

Sam pressed his lips together. "Yeah I guess. But what does that mean? Do I not love her as much as I think?" asked Sam.

"Not necessarily," Andrew shrugged. "You were in a vulnerable position and confused. Didn't you say yourself that you were confused about her feelings for you?"

"Yeah. But how do I figure out what she feels about me?"

His father chuckled. "Well you have an honest conversation with her of course. But before you do, have an honest conversation with yourself. If she's simply not at the same stage as you in taking your relationship to the next level, are you willing to wait? Or is that too important that it can't wait? Neither is necessarily right or wrong. But you both have to figure out what you want and decide if it's compatible or if you're willing to make certain sacrifices."

Sam nodded.

"But if I might play devil's advocate, losing your virginity is a big step. I say this from personal experience that people end up regretting it if it's with the wrong person. So she may just be scared rather than lacking feeling for you. This doesn't mean she thinks you're the wrong person. But there have been people who lost it to someone they thought was perfect only to end up regretting it. That can scare someone even if she's confident about you. Or she may be scared of screwing it up. Even without those things on her mind, the fact that there's no going back can scare someone."

Sam stroked an imaginary beard on his clean shaved chin. "I guess that's true. But what about her going to a different college?"

"From what you say, she hasn't decided. Maybe give her some time and space to figure that out. It would only be for a few weeks. But in the meantime, if you want to have a conversation about her feelings for you, you can do that while agreeing to take college as it comes," said Andrew.

"I should go to the Birthday Party shouldn't I?"

"If you're asking me, then yes, you should. Though maybe save the conversation for tomorrow."

"Right." Sam got up from his chair. "I should go get ready. I don't even have an outfit picked out. Thanks dad." He gave his dad a grateful hug before heading to his room.

"Glad I could help."


Serena was dressed up for the Birthday Party of her twins and putting on the final touches of her make-up when her husband appeared behind her. Her heart felt a flutter as she looked at him through her dressing table mirror. Nate looked extra handsome, dressed up for the party. His hands were clasped behind him and he was wearing that smile she knew all too well. He had a gift hidden behind his hands.

"Nate" she stood up and turned around to face him.

Her husband held out a square velvet box which he opened to reveal a gorgeous thick white gold bangle bracelet with beautiful diamond cut patterns around it.

"Aww Nate. It's beautiful."

Serena felt a tingle as Nate gently took her hand and fastened the clasp of the bracelet around it. She loved how his touch still made her feel that way after all these years.

"Not that I'm complaining. But isn't it James and Cameron's Birthday?" she teased.

"Yeah. But you put in the hard work giving birth to them. So I felt you deserved something too. Also, this is partly a thank you gift for my boys."

Serena wrapped her arms around Nate and buried her head into his chest, inhaling his expensive deodorant and perfume which she loved. She had do a significant amount of bending for this as she was only three inches shorter than him. "Nate, this is really sweet." Her returned the hug and squeezed her tight into him.

"I wish I got you something too. I mean you gave the twins to me too, technically," she murmured.

Nate laughed. "Nah. It doesn't work the other way around. I didn't carry them." He kissed her forehead, pulled her apart just enough till they were level with each other before gently pulling her back towards him in a kiss.

They continued kissing as Serena's arms wrapped around his neck and Nate's arms wrapped around her waist. He kissed along her jaw and down her neck before Serena pulled away. "Nate" She cupped his cheek. "We're going to be late. We should probably get going before the kids come knocking on our door."

"Right" He grinned.


The ballroom at the Empire Hotel was decorated with just the right grandeur and elegance for the Birthday Party of two sixteen year old boys from the Upper East Side. The buffet table was filled with an exquisite cuisine including various meat dishes of beef, chicken, turkey and fish, and various vegetarian ones of potatoes, salad, mushroom, and pumpkin. Desert and snacks were not to be forgotten with five flavors of ice cream, various puffs, mini quiches, and tiny slices of butter cake. There were two big Birthday cakes in the middle of the main table where the Birthday boys were to sit with their friends. James's preferred chocolate cake for his Birthday cake while Cameron preferred orange. But both cakes were impressively decorated with cobalt blue royal icing and the pictures of each of the Birthday boys on their respective cakes.

James and Cameron entered ballroom with their parents and sister while admiring it. Half the guests were already there. Uncle Chuck and Aunt Blair were greeting the guests before they passed down that duty to the parents of the Birthday boys.

James's stomach did a somersault as he saw Haley. She was gorgeous in an emerald green dress that matched her eyes and her long red hair was half pinned back with her curls flowing beautifully over her shoulders.

"James" Rachel linked her arm around his and walked with him. "Oh, Happy Birthday."

"Umm ... thanks."

"You too Cameron." She craned her neck slightly towards his brother.

"Thanks" Cameron gave her one of his smiles that only those who knew him well could tell was fake.

James felt a surge of guilt as he was reminded of his girlfriend's existence. He was with Rachel. He wasn't supposed to be feeling the way he felt about Haley, especially when he saw her tonight.

=to be continued=

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