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I awoke to my mum gently stroking my hair "good morning my love" she says smiling down at me. "Morning mum" I quietly respond back, "let's check your wounds this morning" she says as I get out of my hammock gently lying onto the floor.

She checks out my leg as she smiles "your leg is fine now my love" I nod at her words as she moves to my hip carefully peeling the seaweed away "this has healed nicely too. You should be fine now to go swimming" she says smiling as she applies more ointment, she didn't need to wrap it up anymore as it had sealed shut. I was thankful I could finally have some normality back. "Could you tell Neteyam that you said I'm fine. He won't believe me if I do." I say as I chuckle to my mum, she nods her head in response.

I slowly make my way over to the Sully's pod as I greet them all. "Hi Tálèa!" Kiri beams happily coming over to my side, "hi!" I smile back as I give her a gentle hug "I thought maybe we could go swimming today. I have something I'd love to show you" she says excitedly as she holds my hands. "Of course I'd love that. It's been a while since I went swimming. I miss it" I say smiling to the girl, as we're about to leave Neteyam speaks up "Lèa. Are you supposed to be swimming" he asks. "Yes my mother gave me the all clear this morning! You can ask her yourself!" I shout as I run off with kiri not waiting for his response.

We both dove down into the water holding each others hands. I followed slowly behind Kiri as she took us towards some underwater plants "watch this" she signs to me. I watch intently as she takes her queue and attaches it to the plant, my face holds a confused look. I never knew you could do that..and then I was left completely baffled as Kiri got the plants to move at her will and do as she thought.

After some time of watching we both swam up to the surface. "" I keep questioning as she laughs. "Come on let's go into the forest" kiri says as we swim to the shore "but how?" I question again. "I promise to answer as best I can but for now. follow" she says.

She leads us into a secluded part of the forest that had a big opening of long grass. I watch as she sits down signalling for me to join her, i slowly sit beside her as she starts to talk. "I don't know why. But I feel her. I feel Eywa. I can hear her heartbeat." Kiri says "what does Eywa sound like" I ask intrigued, "mighty" she says in response.

"This is why I get called weird a lot. I know it's odd." She says sadly, I take her hand into mine as I speak "no Kiri, you are not weird. I think that's amazing. I would love to be able to hear Eywa. It's a beautiful gift." I say gripping her hand tightly to reassure the girl. "You're sweet Tálèa..but sadly not everyone thinks the same." She says "well their opinions are irrelevant. Mines the only one that matters" I say as we both laugh.

"So you and my brother huh?" She questions nudging my side as I chuckle changing the subject, "yeah. I love him" I whisper. "He is always talking about you. He never shuts up" she laughs as I blush slightly. "It's true." She says again

Me and Kiri spend a lot of the day together just chatting. We got on really well we both understood each other when no one else would. We'd both listen and give advice if we needed it, I was happy she would become a sister to me. That our families would join, I couldn't think of anyone better to spend the rest of my life with.

We slowly make our way back to my clan joining everyone around the campfire for dinner, we greet everyone as we pass soon stopping as we sit with our families. "Hey" Neteyam speaks as I sit next to him, I nod back to him in response, "I'll get us some food" he says as he kisses me temple leaving.

I look up at my dad as he sounds his conch shell grabbing everyone's attention. "Evening all. I have great news. My daughter Tálèa has chosen a mate. Neteyam te Suli Tsyeyk'itan. Please congratulate them on their decision. We will soon hold our trial" he says ending his sentence. A bunch of happy cheered could be heard from the crowds as Neteyam comes back to my side sitting next to me.

"Well I guess everyone knows now." He chuckled handing me my food. "Thank you" I say as I start to eat, "what are the trials?" He questions. "Well you need to tame a Tsurak to become one of the warriors. It signifies growth. That's you've become an adult. And that's it really. I don't know what happens after that" I say as I shrug my shoulders continuing on with my food. "How hard can taming one be?" He asks jokingly "definitely not easy" I joke back.

"Come my love. Let's get you a good night of rest before tomorrow" she says as she takes me hand guiding me home. "Mum what will happen tomorrow?" I question as she looks at me in hesitation, "well I suppose you should know. Tomorrow you will not be able to see Neteyam until eclipse, where you will go to an underwater cave to meet. I'm sure you understand what will happen then.." she says as a blush forms on my face as I nod my head. "Me and some other female warriors will join you Tomorrow on a separate part of the beach to help you take your Tsurak."

"Come. Sleep now my love you'll need the energy." I nod my head as I settle down into my hammock ready for what tomorrow will bring.


Hey all!

Sorry it's a short chapter I've just ran out of ideas I reckon the next chapter may be the last.

I have so many ideas for my Aonung story that I have released! I'm so proud of how it's going please go read!

I'd like to thank everyone that has read this and maybe I will re write this much better at some point but a lot of my attention will be on my other story.

Bye my lovelies! x

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