The fight

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We watch as we see our clan charging forward, slicing through the water letting out large war screams.

Boats flew about trying to shoot Payakan down and hit him, it didn't work as the device flew straight off the armour on his head and into the boat. He dived back down into the sea out of our sight.

Bullets sliced through the ocean as they aimed for our family, but they were smarter. They attacked from above and below, diving out of the sea sending their spears right through the humans bodies. Neytiri shot flying aircraft right out of the sky, things were blowing up left, right and centre no one was safe.

A boat soared out of the water and into the demon ship, landing straight into the propellers. Out of no where we started to speed forward straight over rocks sending us into the air. Landing with another big thump as we were still attached to the rail, "Skxawngs" I say as I hiss in pain again.

Lo'ak tried to kick the railing in, trying to free us all, he was strong but the railing was stronger. We all kept pulling trying to free ourselves but we had no luck. It was as if eywa had listened, Neteyam appeared climbing up the boat knife in hand. "Hey, baby brother Need some help" he says smartly until his eyes catch mine. He quickly frees us all as he grabs me checking me all over, his eyes landing on my bleeding head "shit, are you okay?" He says full of worry, I nod my head as I hugged him tightly. "You're safe it's okay" he whispers in my ear.

Our moment never lasted long, "who's the mighty warrior? Come on. Say it." Neteyam jokes to Lo'ak, he laughs in response rolling his eyes. "Come on let's go" Neteyam says in a rush, Lo'ak had another idea as he want over grabbing a gun off the dead Na'vi, "they've got spider. We've gotta get him. Come on!" Lo'ak pleads to his brother "come on bro, we can't leave him" he says grunting at his brother.

"Get Tuk out of here" he says to me and Tsireya as he rushed to go with his brother, "no I'm not leaving you again! I'm staying" i say as I stare at him,"Tálèa..please. I need to know you made it safely off this ship go." He says sternly "no I'm staying." I say again with authority in my voice as I draw my knife out. He just nods his head taking my hand as we run into the demon ship.

We run through the hall ways of the ship being careful with every corner we turned, as I peered round I saw a dream walker lurking around, I was quick to sneak up behind him quickly dragging my knife along his neck making his death quick to bring no attention to us. We all climb over the halls, stopping when people run under us praying that they wouldn't look up. To our luck we went unnoticed.

We creep along yellow railing, weapons in hand. As I look to my right we see spider followed by other people of his kind.

Once they were under us we jumped down fending them all of, Neteyam threw one over the railing while Lo'ak hit another on the head with his gun. I start fighting as I hit one of these guys on the head, quickly knocking them on the floor, the height was a great advantage, copying Neteyam I sent him flying over the railing.

"Come on let go" Neteyam says as we fought them all off, "thanks guys" Spider says looking at them, "and girls" he quickly added on I nodded my head going to speak. "Introductions later!" Neteyam shouts cutting me off as he grabs my hand, "quick go!" he shouts to the others as gun shots started firing.

That was when I felt it, I fell to the ground hissing in pain as I held my leg, "shit" Neteyam says he was quick to pick me back up, supporting my weight as he hid us behind the wall. Neteyam grabs the gun from Lo'ak as he starts to shoot around the corner, "go, go, go!" He shouts to Lo'ak and Spider as they run to the moon pool diving into the water beneath them. Neteyam quickly stood shooting as he takes my hand "come on we need to go. I've got you" he says reassuringly we quickly jump into the water.

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