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We were quick to follow behind Lo'ak as he led us out the comfort of our reef into the vast sea. As we were catching up we heard Lo'ak calling for Payakan, not long after he emerged whining "what is it? What's wrong" Lo'ak asks in a haste worried for his friend, as Payakan swims around he shoes Lo'ak the red device that got lodged into his skin.

"Shit!" Lo'ak shouts "stay calm, stay calm. I got this" he says to his spirit brother as he rushes to get the beeping device out. He shouts another "shit" as he noticed the demon ship appearing around the corner. He keeps tugging and tugging trying to get this device out but he has no luck.

We all swim up to Payakan "come on, help me please. The ship is coming" Lo'ak says in worry. We all get into formation trying to pull the device out, "call it in" Neteyam shouts "call dad. Just go! Do it." He says in a rush still trying to pull this device out.

"Dad. I mean, Devil dog. Do you read me?" Lo'ak asks into the device on his neck "we're with a Tulkun that's under attack. Killer ships in bound. It's about two clicks out." He was obviously getting answers from his dad as he kept responding "it's all of us, Aonung, Tsireya, Rotxo..and Tálèa too. We're at three brothers rocks." Lo'ak quickly finished his conversation with a "yes sir" as he rushed back to help.

"It's getting closer!" I say in worry as we countdown with all our might tugging at this device, but it just wouldn't budge. Neteyam gets an idea as he jumps onto his Ilu throwing a rope over to Aon getting him to tie it around the device. "Hurry up! Come on" Neteyam shouts as he wraps the rope around his Ilu. "Go, go, go" Aon says as he secured the rope, "pull, now!" Neteyam shouts as he gets his Ilu to swim as hard as he can. "Everybody together!" Tsireya shouts as we try pushing it out with our foot, we watched as smaller ships started to approach us with much more speed. "Pull harder!" I shout as I start to panic, finally with some luck the device was pulled out sending us flying into the ocean.

"Come on get out of here" Lo'ak says to Payakan, "go that way! I'll draw them off!" Neteyam shouts telling us all to leave. I swim up to him in defiance "no I'll come with you" as I try to get onto his ilu, he grabs my arm "no please stay here. I'll be back I promise." I nod at his promise as I swam away with Aon giving him one last look as I dive down.

We all grab onto our ilu's as we hide in the long seaweed trying to stay out of sight. We watched as big machines soon dived into the water with speed, we all quickly swim away with our ilu's dragging these machines through the seaweed hoping to loose them. We split up into groups, Rotxo, Aonung, kiri and Tuk all went one way as I stuck with Lo'ak and Tsireya. A boat was quick on our tail weaving through the seaweed just like we did, I look behind me as Tsireya's Ilu got hit and floated to the surface, I tried to go back for her but Lo'ak was quicker sweeping her onto his Ilu.

As we managed to get out of their sight we jumped off sending our Ilu away hoping to distract the machines to follow them instead. To our luck it worked.

We swam up into a plant that had an air pocket, we jumped at the sound of a scream quickly calming down when we realised it was Tuk.

"It is coming!" Tsireya shouts "we gotta go" Lo'ak says as they take a big breath of air diving back down.

As we tried to swim away we got stuck in a net, Lo'ak was quick to escape. He tried to help the rest of us out as he took his knife to try and cut a hole, as he began two ikran dove into the water grabbing onto the net bringing as a-shore. As soon as Lo'ak managed to cut a hole big enough we were met with a cold hard floor. I tried to put up a fight but I had never been very strong they were quick to pin my hands behind my back.

"Stop don't hurt them!" A human boy shouts "spider" Lo'ak shouts relief in his voice..this must be his friend I thought. "Bro you okay?" This spider asked "yeah, great cuz. Never better" Lo'ak says back in a sarcastic manner as he's pinned to the floor. I watch as they shoved this spider back into the ship, he was very reluctant I could tell he wanted to help.

"Cuff 'em to the rail. All of them." Quartich said no emotion in his tone at all other than annoyance. I tried to get my hands loose but the Na'vi behind me just tightened their grip as they dragged me to the rail, they stopped their foot on my leg pushing me to the ground. I let out a hiss in pain as they cuffed my arm "be brave" Lo'ak whispered to us, "are you okay?" Tsireya asks me quietly, I shook my head "I want to go home.." I said with a shaky voice, she tried to reach over to comfort me but couldn't due to the cuffs.

A wave of relief washed over me as I heard war screams followed by Skimwings I knew my parents were here to save me. Quaritch walks up to Lo'ak grabbing the neck and ear device off him "Jake, tell your friends to stand down. You want your kids back, you come out alone. You know better than to test my resolve." He says as he points a gun to Lo'ak's head.

"I took you under my wing Jake. You betrayed me. You killed your own. Good men. Good women. I will not hesitate to execute your kid." He says with anger.

We stare at our clan as we watch Jake emerging out on his own, I knew this wasn't going to end well, I was scared, scared for my life, my family's life, my friends life. I didn't even know where Neteyam was, I didn't even know if he was okay I knew I should've gone with him.

"Easy shot" a Na'vi said "no they'll attack, wait till he is on board Quartich said. At that point I couldn't stay silent "NO JAKE, ITS A TRAP" I shout "ITS A TRAP" some Na'vi was quick to silence me by bashing the back of their gun on the corner of my head "Tálèa!" Tsireya shouts for my concern. I hiss at the pain gently touching my hand where I was hit, my fingers were stained red. Yeah I want this to end I thought.

Out of nowhere Payakan arose from the sea jumping straight into the ship, knocking fellow Na'vi and hitting them wherever he could. Gun shots were fired at him, but they didn't do anything, he squashed Na'vi with his fin and flicking things in the air doing whatever damage he could.

We suddenly heard war screams and we knew..the fight was on.


Two chapters today my lovelies!

Sorry this is a shorter one I'm not great with violence😂 Also sorry for leaving you on a cliff hanger!

Bye my lovelies xx

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