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Poseidon POV

My son....

My favoured son, now I know I'm not supposed to have 'favourites' but of all my children ever Percy has been up there as being just an absolute gem of a person. The proudness I feel because of him is unrivalled. Losing him will be one of the most difficult things I will ever face in my immortal life. 

Artemis POV

Tears streamed down my face. One of the only acceptable males I have ever met gone. Why life was so cruel to me I do not understand.  His eyes were like the depths of the ocean, filled with determination and courage. Even as a goddess, I could feel my heart race whenever he was near. It wasn't just his physical appearance that captivated me; it was the way he carried himself, the way he fought for what he believed in.

He was fiercely loyal to those he cared about, always putting their needs before his own. And as the leader of my hunters, he never once complained about the endless training or the dangers that came with the territory. He faced each challenge head-on, never backing down, never giving up hope.  

Why did the moment I fall in love with a boy... no he's not a boy he is truly what one would call a man but why did he get torn from my life. He had died, sacrificing himself to save the lives of friends, family and even people who are betrayed him. As I knelt there, watching his lifeless body away, I felt as if a piece of me had died along with him. My heart ached with a loss that no goddess should ever have to endure.

The forests and oceans fell silent, as if it too mourned the loss of its protector and heir. The air was thick with grief, and the very earth seemed to tremble with the weight of our collective sorrow. I knew that I would never find another like him, another who would fight so fiercely for those he loved, another who would make me feel the way he did.

I gathered all the power I could muster and sent part of his soul to the sky's I could tell a new constellation was forming in the shape of a wolf. The protector. 

I summoned a silver shroud, with a royal blue shield with a trident poking out of the top, a crescent moon in the centre of the shield. I lay it over his body and and flashed myself away to my palace.

A/N I do strongly apologise for not updating, got hit with personal problems, family matters and other things so hope this isn't too bad and I will try to get another part out soon.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 24 ⏰

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