Betrayal and an offer

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Percy's POV




That's all i can feel. Anyway I'm Percy Jackson and I'm the two times saviour of Olympus but I'm currently on the run from all the half-bloods at camp half-hel i mean blood. Your probably wondering what happened well it all started about 6 months after the 2nd giant war.

flashback bought to you by some free blue cookies

I was on border patrol, i heard a scream that must of belonged to a 6 year old but to my surprise it was a boy around 17 with blonde hair and murky green eyes he was being chased by a small hellhound puppy it was the most adorable thing ever. I laughed in my head and ran and picked it up and started playing with it. When the rest of camp finally showed up he boasted saying "I killed an entire army whilst he just watched and laughed"

I thought cue persassy. "actually you were running from this single hellhound pup mate" Using my water powers I made a rainbow and threw in a drachma saying o' iris goddess of rainbows show us what just happened on border patrol. In the iris recording it showed him screaming and me picking up the hellhound puppy. He blushed more red than Demeter's tomatoes and started stuttering. 

Then a blue lightning bolt appeared above his head. Chiron the proceeded to say "all hail ......" "Jake Moran" (moron) filled in "son of Zeus king of the gods and lightning"

"My dad is king of the gods bow down then" a small irritating voice piped up. All the young and new campers instantly were on one knee but the older campers and Chiron stayed standing up.

I said "kid we only bow to those who have earned respect not because of your parentage. "

 Over the next few weeks he people started blaming me for the wars and other stuff going wrong. The Demeter cabin for apparently drowning their plants, the Ares and Aphrodite cabin for switching the make up and weapons, Athena cabin except wise girl for messing stuff up, Hermes cabin for snitching on their big prank even though I had invested hundreds of drachmas into it and so on. Only Thalia, Nico, Chiron and Annabeth but Annabeth seemed to be getting more distant and Thalia was with the hunt and Nico in the underworld. As well as surprisingly Chris and Clarisse they didn't believe it either.

I went to Athena to get her permission to propose to Annabeth so she said i had to do one task for all of the Gods. 

Athena- sort through her library

Hephaestus- learn to forge stuff

Hermes- We just hung out

Apollo- We also just hung out

Artemis- Prove i was respectful to Women

Hera- Apologise for everything i ever said that was bad about her (took some time)

Poseidon- Promise to come to his palace and accept his blessing to shapeshift like frank

Ares- Intense training 

Demeter- Learn to garden

Aphrodite- Go shopping with her

Zeus- Clean his throne, temples and palace

Dionysus- Get him some wine (I actually got his eternal gratitude because I figured out a loophole in his no alcohol curse and stuck at camp)

Hades- Track down some dead people

Hestia- Become her champion

Oh yeah I got them  on the council.

Anyway, that all took about 6 months after forging the ring with Hephaestus I headed back to camp and because it was evening asked Malcom where Annabeth was.

He said "Try the beach" I also swear he muttered I'm sorry.

At the beach i saw jake moron kissing some girl with blonde hair and heard "when are you going to break up with that loser" 

I realised why Malcom said he's sorry

She said "When he comes back"

I decided to use some sass despite dying inside " no need wise girl " putting as much venom as possible into it    "it's not like i spent the past 6 months working my ass off to get permission to propose to you and only to find your just a cheating bitch"

"P..p..percy" she started stuttering out 

"Save it you unfaithful bitch oh and by the way it's Persassy to you" I then spun on my heel and threw them out to sea with my improved water powers from Dad. 

Then i went to wear everyone was eating i flew there as an eagle (what got to earn some points with Zeus) and changed in mid air and landed on an unused table and snapped it clean in two. 

"Oi campers I won two wars for you and most of you forgot my fatal flaw was loyalty so fuck you all except Chris, Clarisse and Chiron oh you three when the hunters show up tell them the truth and Nico if he ever shows up" I then changed into my wolf form and ran. For some reason my wolf form is huge 6ft black, green eyes, a green trident on my left shoulder and a moon on my right. I don't understand the moon one yet. As well as a symbol of fire in on my back obviously being Hestia's champion.

flashback over

  As i stumbled threw a forest I fell and heard someone walking towards me saying "hello young hero i have an offer for you" There was a lady walking out of a portal she had galaxy like eyes and a black dress.

My ever so intelligent response was "ummm who are you though like i know your not an Olympian and your aura seems to be more powerful than any god or titans so I'm going to guess a primordial. So seen as you have galaxy eyes I'm going to guess chaos." (what I'm smarter than everyone realises)

Her eyes widened in surprise "well I can see why you are such a great hero with a brain like that but why did you not bow down seen as i created everything and can easily kill you"

"Well yeah sure your all powerful and all that but I firmly believe in only bowing to people who have earned respect no offence"

"Actually i was hoping you would say that because i hate it when people are all like oh lady chaos I'm so sorry please forgive me type shit so overrated"

"Anyway what's this so called offer you have chaos"

She replied with "Most of the primordial council have been interested by your life and we have decided that since most people at camp have betrayed you we would like you to come to our throne room and receive some blessings of some of us and some gifts to help you"

I thought and replied "Sure chaos lets go" 

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