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It was real hard to sleep tonight, and it was equally hard to step into the court premises. The case was filed, and today was the first proceeding. Erica was the one most conflicted because she had to choose between her husband and her brother. There was nothing to choose but at the same time there was so much to. It has been two months since David came back, and a month since he married again. She could see David and Hope getting along just fine. Oliver was bringing them closer. Eric's assumptions were not too wrong after all. But the child in her arms, her nephew and godson, is Eric's heart. If Eric looses the case, he'll definitely loose a big part of himself. And if David looses the case, he'll probably loose the only purpose of his life.

Those were the only thoughts running in her mind as she sat in the back of their car, with Eric beside her, awfully quiet. He's not this quiet with her. She hated it.

"Eric?", She called him but he didn't respond. It was apparent he's mentally absent right now.

To bring him back, she kept her hand on his idle one which was resting on his thigh.

That made him snap his head in her direction.

"What happened?"

She didn't reply but only looked at him, observing his face, trying to read what he's feeling right now. Because she was aware no matter how much they love each other, he's the same asshole who'd rather sulk alone than telling her the cause of his sadness.

"Don't look at me like that.", He was well aware what she's doing. This was not the first time.

She shifted a little closer to him, trying not to disturb a sleeping Oliver. Pulling at his hand she brought his face closer to hers.

"You know Oliver has to go...", She mumbled and hearing her, he sighs relaxing his body to rest his head on her shoulder.

"Why is he not our baby?"

She smiled amused, "Because he has different parents."

"You know how hard it is for me to let him go.."

She nodded, and he felt her slight movement.

"I know it is hard for you, but it is the right thing to do. Did you not create all this ruckus, including the case, the will, and David's marriage only to send Oliver to his right place?"

He lifted his head to look at her, "I did but now I am having second thoughts. How will he sleep on the days he's restless? Only I can make him sleep. Who will call me Papa? Eve is not going to talk so soon. And how will I rest at the end of the day not knowing if he's fine or not? I had planned so..."

" are still his god father, and we live just a floor above them. You know you can still be an active part of his life. But if he misses out on David's presence, he will keep on hurting for life. I know it Eric. I've grown up without parents. No matter how much love I got, the fact that my blood wanted nothing to do with me did hurt me."

He kept on looking at her. He has seen her breakdown for her mother. He has seen her hurting at the thought that her father didn't know about her. Moreover, he has seen David. Although his way of coping up with the loss was better, there were times he'd seen him being weak.

These thoughts only strengthened his resolve and he sat up straighter, remembering how he used his connection to bribe the judge. Although the judge used his wisdom to say Eric was being such a good friend after he explained the whole scenario. His ways were not honest but his motives were not wrong.


David took his seat beside Hope, his eyes searching for Oliver.

"There he is.", Hope said pointing towards the entrance through which Erica entered followed by Eric. James was also present. Other than him, no one from the family was here. No one wanted to see the strife between them getting dragged inside the court.

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