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It was Wednesday.

My wedding day.

I have never been more nervous in my life. Even if it was David.

Infact, the subject that I was marrying David made me more lively, in a way that I could feel everything. I bet if it was someone else, I would have roboticaly gone through it all.

"Is it comfortable ma'am..?", Alyssa, my make up artist asked as she fastened the back of my wedding dress.

I nodded, feeling too weak to speak up.

Soon enough, Rebecca strolled in my room, "Ma'am here are your flowers."

I had ordered pink roses to complement well with the dress I was wearing. It was not an elaborated dress but a perfect, off shoulder dress that had a natural flow behind. It clung to my curves till the knees and then elegantly spread on the floor. It also had a veil that was long enough to make me look like a bride.

A bride.

"Are you ready Hope!!??", I heard the frantic voice of Erica entering my room.

I felt some relief seeing her, "I am. You only have to pin the veil."

She nodded and came forward to pin the veil. She was wearing a light blue dress..that matched the theme of the day.

"How's everything going?"

She looked at me through the mirror, "Stressful. David is ready. Eric is on his way. And the kids! God! Never have kids!"

I chuckled.

The makeup artist and Rebecca left when I excused us. And then I asked Erica, "Eric is coming huh?"

She nodded, "I didn't have to ask him much. But David didn't budge at all. He didn't ask Eric to be his best man. I wonder, how bad it will look to let the groom walk down the aisle alone."

I sighed, "I seriously don't like this. These two are best friends for god sake!"

She shrugged and smiled sadly, "Don't worry though. It's your day. Enjoy. They'd be fine."

Once the veil was pinned, she spinned me around, "You look absolutely beautiful. David will probably faint on the altar."

That made me blush. David would probably never see me that way, but the imagination is still heart warming.

We went silent after that. From today, she'd be my sister in law. Our equation wouldn't change much...but it would still be different. Even if a little.


"Yes?", I looked up at her.

She looked hesitant in asking whatever it was, so I held her hand, "What is it?"

"I..I was thinking something the other day... and I had a question in my mind. Do you like David?"

Her question caught me off guard. I was trying to be as discreet as possible. In Eric's words, I was 'whipped' but was it that visible!?

Well, I have always hated myself for hiding this from Erica...but she is David's sister. I can't just tell her that I like..heck I love her brother.

But how can I lie now when she has asked.

"Does it matter?", I looked away.

"It does. You are my best friend. I would like to know this."

I looked down. Should I really admit it to her? What would be her reaction? Will she be angry at me for hiding this from her? What if she found later? Did Eric tell her something? And David is her brother for god sake!

AFFECTIONNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ